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Course 388001 - Nuts & Bolts of Negotiation (HBR Collection)
  Course Syllabus
Step 1:  Read the Book and Review Study Questions
This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) The Nuts & Bolts of Negotiation (Harvard Business Review Onpoint Collection)
by: Harvard Business Review   (2003 )
The Online Study guide is provided to guide you through the course material. It consists of reading assignmnts and short exercises designed to identify important concepts and to further understanding and retention of information contained herein.
Overview - The Nuts & Bolts of Negotiation Download Now
Six Habits of Merely Effective Negotiators Purchase Req'd
Negotiating the Spirit of the Deal Purchase Req'd
Turning Negotation into a Corporate Capability Purchase Req'd
Step 2: Take the Final Exam
Please answer all final exam questions. The exam is open-book so you may refer back to course material at any time. A score of 70% or higher is considered passing.
Step 3: Print Your Certificate of Completion
Once you've passed the final exam, you may generate your online Certificate of Completion. You will be prompted to complete a short course evaluation before your certificate is displayed.