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Course 371009 - Managing the Marketing Process
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This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) Managing the Marketing Process
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D.   (2003 )
Field of Study: Communication & Sales
CPE Credit: 12 Hours
Level: Basic
Prereqs: None
State Exceptions: None
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Your Price:
Exam Only $82.00

There is no book for this course. The course is based on an electronic .pdf file which you can download now.
*Courses must be completed for CPE credit within one year of the date of

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Electronic Downloads:
Managing the Marketing Process
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2009, 98 pages
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Course Description:
This course teaches you key components of marketing strategy and tactics including: identification, analysis and selection of target markets; development of product/service lines; pricing; distribution systems; advertising and promotions; service marketing; and international marketing. Major forces impacting marketing strategy, such as consumer behavior, completion, and regulating forces, are discussed. Also covered are marketing information systems and internet marketing.

Course Topics:
Marketing Research Marketing Costs Versus Marketing Strategies
Consumer Motivation Product Planning
Pricing And Pricing Theory Advertising
Sales Force Management Physical Distribution And Channel Selection
Marketing Information Systems Internet Marketing
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