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Course 171016 - Analysis and Uses of Financial Statements
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This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) Analysis and Uses of Financial Statements
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D.   (2014 )
Field of Study: Accounting
CPE Credit: 20 Hours
Level: Basic
Prereqs: Basic Math
State Exceptions: None
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Your Price:
Exam Only $102.00

There is no book for this course. The course is based on an electronic .pdf file which you can download now.
*Courses must be completed for CPE credit within one year of the date of

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Electronic Downloads:
Analysis and Uses of Financial Statements
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2014, 141 pages
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Course Description:
Analysis and Uses Of Financial Statements is a primer for financial statement analysis. This course is designed specifically for interested parties who must understand how to read, interpret, and analyze financial statements. This course describes in clear, concise, and understandable language the intricacies of financial statements, and their use by investors, creditors, analysts, auditors, and other interested parties. This course can enhance your chance for success in business and investing; by enabling you to profit form the knowledge, insights, and perceptions of professionals who use financial statement analysis tools and techniques on a day-to-day basis. Realistic examples and illustrations of financial statement analysis are widely used in this course to make the subject matter crystal clear.

Course Topics:
Accounting Assumptions Principles, Procedures and Policies
Understanding Statements Liquidity and Activity
Solvency and Capital Structure Profitability Analysis
Market Strength Cash Flows
Interim Statements Segment Analysis
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