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Course 371014- Applied Operations Mgmt: Manufacturing & Services
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371014v - Applied Operations Mgmt: Manufacturing & Services

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Read 'Chapter 1: What Is Production /Operations Management?' & answer the following question(s):
1. ____________________________ is not a system of Operation management (OM)
2. The new models and trends in OM do not include
3. Which of the following statement is not true regarding the need for continuous improvement within companies?
4. The tool that is most useful in brainstorming to the root cause of a problem is the
5. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) means that a company
6. The performance characteristic of flexibility means
7. The performance characteristic of cost efficiency means
8. Which of the following is not a challenge of supply chain management?
9. ISO 9000 is the general name used through the European Economic Community for
10. _______________ examining excellent performers outside the industry and seeing how you can use their best practices.
11. Using the 80/20 rule for analysis involves the
12. Modeling types do not include
13. What is a decision matrix?
14. Decision-making under certainty and conflict involves three major elements: decision strategy, states of nature and:
Read 'Chapter 2: Tools for Decision Making' & answer the following question(s):
15. One weakness of simulation is:
16. Of the following, the most suitable short range forecast would be
17. Subjective forecasting methods include
18. Which of the following is not true about the mean standard error (MSE)?
19. When using a simple moving average to forecast demand, one
20. Which of the pairs is most closely related?
21. Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is most suited for
22. The goal of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) does not include
23. Effective utilization is a ratio between expected capacity of a firm and
24. Location decisions
25. An example of a subjective location factor is
26. When utilizing a point rating scheme for arriving at a location decision
Read 'Chapter 3: Demand Management and Forecasting' & answer the following question(s):
27. The ____________________ can be used to distribute capacity to demand centers.
28. Which firm would benefit most by using the transportation method of linear programming?
29. Location break-even analysis is an economic comparison of locational options based on
30. The factors that need to be addressed in job design do not include
31. A method of increasing job variety by horizontally loading jobs is
32. A(n) __________ curve is a graph or equation that expresses the expected rate of improvement in productivity as more units are produced.
33. The learning curve theory has found useful applications in many areas, excluding:
34. Work sampling is a work measurement methodology that estimates the portion of time and employee utilized in
35. Systematic layout planning is a generalized approach to layout that indicates nearness priorities other than transportation costs.
36. The construction of a highway would best be accomplished by use of a
Read 'Chapter 4: Process Selection and Capacity Planning' & answer the following question(s):
37. Characteristics of process or functional layouts are
38. Hospitals are generally an example of
Read 'Chapter 5: Facility Location Planning' & answer the following question(s):
39. Characteristics of layout by product include
40. Line balancing
41. For manufacturing operations, which is not part of a traditional aggregate planning analysis?
42. The _______________ would be classed as a quadratic programming approach to the aggregate planning problem.
Read 'Chapter 6: Design of Work Systems' & answer the following question(s):
43. Which aggregate planning method does not generate an optimal solution?
44. Determining resource requirements through the use of a rough cut approach
Read 'Chapter 7: Facilities Positioning' & answer the following question(s):
45. Management coefficients capacity planning relies on
46. The two stages of scheduling, in order, are
Read 'Chapter 8: Production Planning Systems: Aggregate Planning and Master Production Scheduling' & answer the following question(s):
47. Johnson's rule for job sequencing is used if
48. Which of the following statement is false regarding the master production schedule (MPS)?
49. Which of the following statement is false regarding the master production schedule (MPS)?
50. Which aggregate planning method is most widely used?
Read 'Chapter 9: Independent Demand Inventory Systems' & answer the following question(s):
51. ___________________________ is not an aggregate planning method.
52. The purpose of scheduling is to:
53. The allocation of workloads to specific work is
54. Sequencing is a process that determines the priorities job orders should have in the manufacturing process. Sequencing results in priority rules for job orders. T F
55. Which of the following statement is not true regarding the difference between independent demand and dependent demand?
56. ABC analysis
57. Service level
Read 'Chapter 10: Material Requirement Planning and Just-In-Time Systems' & answer the following question(s):
58. The economic order quantity (EOQ) model does not take into account
59. The cycle time
60. When lead time and demand are not certain, the firm must carry extra units of inventory, called safety stock size. T F
61. Which of the following is most related to dependent demand?
62. Which of the following is not related to Just-in-Time production?
Read 'Chapter 11: Planning and Controlling Projects' & answer the following question(s):
63. Dependent demand
64. Manufacturing resources planning (MRPII) does not integrate such information as
65. The information requirements for the technique MRP do not include
66. Which one of the following functional business systems supports the production/operations business function?
67. _______________ support all managerial functions in terms of planning, control, and decision making.
68. A variety of manufacturing information systems are used to support computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). CIM is an overall concept that stresses that the objectives of computer-based systems to manufacturing must be to accomplish which of the following?
69. ________________ is an overall concept that stresses that the goals of computer use in factory automation must be to: simplify, automate, and I integrate all production and support processes
70. ________________ are performance monitoring information systems for factory floor operations. The systems include shop floor scheduling and control, machine control, robotics control and process control systems.
71. ________________ are those systems that automate the production process. For example, this could be accomplished by monitoring and controlling the production process in a factory or by directly controlling a physical process, a machine tool, or machines with some humanlike work capabilities.
72. In a network, total slack refers to
73. PERT is combined with cost data to produce the Critical Path Method (CPM) to
Read 'Chapter 12: Analysis of Waiting Lines and Queuing' & answer the following question(s):
74. The ____________ is the time required when extra resources are added to complete the project in the minimum possible time.
75. PERT is used for
76. In PERT, the uncertain activity times are best described by a
77. The reciprocal of the mean interarrival time is known as
Read 'Chapter 13: Quality Control and Continuous Improvement' & answer the following question(s):
78. If the arrival rate is greater than the service rate
79. For a single-channel system with Poisson arrivals and a constant service time, what can be said of the mean queue length and the mean waiting time compared to when both arrival rates and service rate are Poisson-distributed?
80. _____________________ is a probability distribution for service time.
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