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Course 271029- Ethics & the CPA 2 Hours
  Final Exam
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271029v - Ethics & the CPA 2 Hours

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2 CPE Credit Hours

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Read 'Chapter 1: Ethics & the CPA' & answer the following question(s):
1. A profession has certain attributes that are evident. A distinguishing attribute is:
2. A rich ethics-based strategy for organizations post-Enron has a foundation based on the fact that:
3. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) was established:
4. A fiduciary relationship exists with clients and CPA's because:
5. The public interest means that:
6. The most effective way to establish an ethics program is:
7. Not conforming to GAAP is a serious violation that is:
8. The best way to conform with the Due Care Standard is to:
9. CPA professionals:
10. To appear to be independent, the CPA should avoid circumstances that would cause an informed third party to reasonably conclude that the integrity, objectivity, or professional skepticism of a firm or member of the audit engagement:
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