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Course 571008- Blink
  Final Exam
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571008v - Blink

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Read 'Chapter 1: Introduction: The Statue that Didn't Look Right' & answer the following question(s):
1. In September of 1983, an art dealer by the name of Gianfranco Becchina approached the __________ Museum in California.
2. The kouros, the records stated, had been in the private collection of a Swiss physician named ______________ since the 1930's, and he in turn acquired it from a well-known Greek dealer name Roussos.
3. Some years ago, a young couple came to the University of Washington to visit the laboratory of a psychologist named John Gottman. They were
4. Recently, a professor who works with Gottman named Sybil Carrere, who was playing around with some of the videotapes, trying to design a new study, discovered that if they looked at only __ minutes of a couple talking, they could still predict with fairly impressive accuracy who was going to get divorced and who was going to make it. The truth of a marriage can now be understood in a much shorter time than anyone can ever imagine.
5. One way to understand what Gottman is saying about marriages is to use the analogy of what people in the world of Morse code call a
6. In other words, patients don't file lawsuits because they've been harmed by shoddy medical care. Patients file lawsuits because they've been harmed by shoddy medical care. Patients file lawsuits because they've been harmed by shoddy medical care and something else. What is that something else?
7. Which tennis play was almost accurately predicted by Vic Braden?
8. The results from Aronson's and Steele's experiments are obviously quite disturbing. They suggest that what we think of as free will is largely an illusion: much of the time, we are simply operating on automatic pilot and the way we think and act-and how well we think and act on the spur of the moment-are a lot more susceptible to outside influences than we realize.
9. On a brisk spring evening not long ago, two dozen men and women gathered in the back room of a Manhattan bar to engage in a peculiar ritual known as
10. Speed dating has become enormously popular around the world over the last few years, and its not hard to understand why. It’s the distillation of dating to a simple snap judgment.
Read 'Chapter 2: Theory of Thin Slices: How a Little Bit of Knowledge Goes a Long Way' & answer the following question(s):
11. ________ was perhaps the greatest hitter of all time, a man revered for his knowledge and insight into the art of hitting. One thing he always said was that he could look the ball on to the bat, that he could track it right to the point where it made contact
12. Many years ago, the psychologist __________________ hung two ropes from the ceiling of a room that was filled with all kinds of different tools, objects and furniture. The ropes were far enough apart that if you held the end of one rope, you could get close enough to grab the other.
13. There is a second, equally valuable,leeson in the Maier experiment. His subjects were stumped. They were frustrated. They were sitting there for ten minutes, and no doubt many of them felt they were failing an important test, that they had been exposed as stupid. But they weren't stupid. Why not?
Read 'Chapter 3: The Locked Door : The Secret Life of Snap Decisions' & answer the following question(s):
14. Who was described as the Machiavelli of Ohio politics, the classic behind the scenes fixer, a shrewd and insightful judge of character or, at least, political opportunity?
15. By early middle age, Harding's biographer ______________ writes, his "lusty black eyebrows contrasted with his steel gray hair to give the effect of force, his massive shoulders and bronzed complexion gave the effect of health."
16. When psychologists administer the IAT, the usually don't use paper and pencil. Most of the time, they do it on a _____________.
17. The advantage of doing IAT on a computer is that the responses are measurable down to the millisecond, and those measurements are used in assigning the test taker's score.
18. Our attitudes towards things like race or gender operate on two levels. First of all, we have our conscious attitudes. That is what we chose to believe. These are our stated values, which we use to direct our behavior deliberately.
19. What does the IAT measure?
20. The disturbing thing about IAT testing is that it shows that our unconscious attitudes may be utterly incompatible with our stated conscious values.
21. The sales director of the Flemington Nissan dealership in the central New Jersey town of Flemington is a man called _____________.
22. In the car selling business, if you can convince someone to pay the sticker price ( the price on the window of a car in a showroom), and if you can talk them into the full premium package, with the leather seats and the sound system and the aluminum wheels, you make as much in commission off that gullible customer as you might from half a dozen or so customers who are prepared to drive a hard bargain. If you are a salesman, there is a tremendous temptation to try to spot the sucker.
23. Car salesmen have a particular word to describe to customers who pay the ticket price. They're called a
Read 'Chapter 4: The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall for Tall, Dark , and Handsome Men' & answer the following question(s):
24. Paul Van Riper is tall and lean with gleaming bald dome and wire rimmed glasses. He walks with his shoulders square and a has a gruff, commanding voice. His friends call him ___.
25. According to the Millennium challenge scenario, Paul Van Riper would play the ______________.
26. From his own experiences in Vietnam and his reading of the German military theorist ___________, Van Riper became convinced that war was inherently unpredictable and messy and non-linear.
27. Millennium Challenge was a battle between two perfectly opposed military philosophies. Blue team had their databases and matrixes and methodologies for systematically understanding the intentions ad capabilities of the enemy. Red team
28. Paul Van Ripper's Red Team did not come out on top in that moment in the Gulf because they were smarter or luckier at that moment than their counterparts over at Blue Team. How good people's decisions are under the fast moving ,high stress conditions of rapid cognition is a function of training and rules and rehearsal.
29. With a logic problem, asking people to explain themselves doesn't impair their ability to come up with answers. In some cases, in fact, it may help. But problems that require a flash of insight operate by different rules.
30. The Cook County Hospital inspired which television series?
31. Cook County Hospital is located at ___________________.
32. Ironically, a big chunk of the funding for Goldman's initial research had not come from the medical community itself but from the ____.
33. A key point in explaining the breakdown of Blue Team that day in the Gulf-that extra information is useless. It's harmful. It confuses the issues. What's screws up doctors when they are trying to predict heart attacks is that they take too much information into account.
34. The problem of too much information also comes up in studies of why doctors sometimes make the mistake of missing a heart attack entirely-of failing to recognize when someone is on the brink of or in the midst of a major cardiac complication.
35. What Reilly and his team at Cook County were trying to do, in short, was provide some structure for the spontaneity of the ER. The algorithm is a rule that protects the doctors from being swamped with too much information--the same way that the rule of agreement protects improve actors when they get up on stage.
36. Who did the research on speed dating?
Read 'Chapter 5: Paul Van Riper's Big Victory: Creating Structure for Spontaneity' & answer the following question(s):
37. Who was the co-president of Atlantic Records where Kenna's CD demo landed?
38. Who is the manager of U2?
39. ___________, a California based firm , sent Kenna's CD to twelve hundred people preselected by age, gender, and ethnicity. They then called them up three days later and interviewed as many as they could about wthat they thought of Kenna's music on a scale of 0 to 4.
40. In Behind the Oval Office, his memoir of his years as a political pollster, Dick Morris writes about going to Arkansas in 1977 to meet with the state's thirty one year old attorney general, an ambitious young man by the name of ____________.
41. To counter the Pepsi Challenge, Coke launched ________.
42. Dollard says, for instance, that one of the biases in a sip test is toward sweetness: " If you only test in a sip test, consumers will like the sweeter product. But when they have to drink the whole bottle or can, that sweetness can really get overpowering or cloying."
43. On a study on goods found in the supermarket, the general rule is, the closer the consumers get to the food itself, the more consumers are likely to be conservative.
44. The problem with market research is that often it is simply too blunt an instrument to pick up this distinction between the bad and the merely different.
45. One bright summer day, the author had lunch with two women who run a company in New Jersey called _________________.
46. Schooled once did an experiment with Timothy Wilson. It involved ___________.
47. Our unconscious reactions come out of a locked room, and we can't look inside that room. But with experience we become expert at using our behavior and our training to interpret-- and decode--what lies behind our snap judgments and first impressions.
48. When a tester gives you three glasses, two of which are filled with one of the Colas and the third with the other. In the beverage business, this is called a
Read 'Chapter 6: Keena's Dilemma:The Right - and Wrong-Way to Ask People What They Want' & answer the following question(s):
49. _____________, a special division of the New York Police Department, dedicated to patrolling crime "hot spots" in the city's poorest neighborhoods.
50. How many facial movements did Ekman and Friesen outlined on facial muscles?
51. Ekman and Friesen ultimately assembled all the facial movement combinations-- and the rules for reading and interpreting them--into the
52. When Mary's doctor asked her about her plans for the future, a look of utter despair flashed across her face so quickly that it was almost imperceptible. Ekman calls that kind of fleeting look a _____________, which is a very particular and critical kind of facial expression.
53. Whenever we experience a basic emotion, that emotion is automatically expressed by the muscles of the face. That response may linger on the face for just a fraction of a second or to be detectable only if electrical sensors are attached to the face. But it's always there.
54. Our voluntary expressive system is the way we intentionally signal our emotions. But our involuntary expressive system is in many ways even more important: it is the way we have been equipped by evolution to signal our authentic feelings.
55. The classic model for understanding what it means to lose the ability to mind read is the condition of _________.
56. Gavin de Becker in his book the Gift of Fear says that the central fact in protection is the amount of white space. He defined white space as
Read 'Chapter 7: Seven Seconds in the Bronx: The Delicate Art of Mind Reading' & answer the following question(s):
57. The world of classical music-particularly in its European home- was until very recently the preserve of ______.
58. Julie Landsman, who plays principal French horn for the Metropolitan Opera in New York, says that she's found herself distracted by the position of someone's ______.
59. Why, for so many years, were conductors so oblivious to the corruption of snap judgments?
60. Landsman had played for the Met before as a substitute. Until they listened to her with their ears, however, they had no idea she was so good. When the screen created a pure Blink moment, a small miracle happened, the kind of small miracle that is always possible when we take charge of the first two seconds:
Read 'Chapter 8: Listening with your Eyes: The Lessons of Blink' & answer the following question(s):
Read 'Chapter 9: Notes' & answer the following question(s):
Read 'Chapter 10: Acknowledgments' & answer the following question(s):
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