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Course 371015- The Balanced Scorecard: Strategic-Based Control
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371015v - The Balanced Scorecard: Strategic-Based Control

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Read 'Chapter 0: Course Material' & answer the following question(s):
1. The balanced scorecard
2. _______________ are outcome measures that are expressed a result of past efforts.
3. _______________ are outcome measures that relate to customers.
4. Which of the following would be a nonfinancial measure?
5. Using the balanced scorecard approach, a company evaluates managerial performance based on
6. In the Balanced Scorecard system, core objectives and measures
7. From the customer perspective, which of the following might be considered a core objective rather than a performance value?
8. The time it takes to produce one unit of product is called
9. At the beginning of 2x13, Peters Company installed a JIT purchasing and manufacturing system. The following information has been gathered about one of the company's products: Theoretical annual capacity = 2,000; Actual production = 1,800; Production hours available = 500; Actual conversion cost per hour = $7. The theoretical velocity per hour is
10. Harris, Inc. manufactures a product that experiences the following activities: Processing (three departments) = 60 hours; Moving (four moves) = 15 hours; Waiting time = 45 hours; Rework time = 120 hours. The MCE for the product is
11. __________________________ is a diagram that is used to document the primary strategic goals based on the if-then statements developed.
12. A manufacturing cell has the theoretical capability of producing 40,000 microchips per quarter. The conversion cost per quarter is $25,000. There are 4,000 production hours available within the cell per quarter. The theoretical cycle time per unit in minutes is
13. Cycle time and velocity would be a typical measure for which of the following balanced scorecard model?
14. Which of the following balanced scorecard perspectives essentially asks the question? "Can we continue to improve and create value?"
15. The case study for the Balanced Scorecard using a corporate steering wheel analogy was:
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