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Course 271005- Colorado Ethics
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271005v - Colorado Ethics

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Read 'Chapter 1: Ethics and Ethical Reasoning' & answer the following question(s):
1. Ethics is NOT focused on
Read 'Chapter 2: AICPA Code of Professional Conduct' & answer the following question(s):
2. When CPAs are able to take an unbiased viewpoint in the performance of professional services, it is referred to as independence.
3. Which AICPA Conduct Rule applies only to members in the practice of public accounting?
4. Which of the following statements best explains why the accounting profession has found it essential to promulgate ethical standards and to establish means for ensuring their observance?
5. Which of the following most completely describes how independence has been defined by the accounting profession?
6. When a CPA is associated with financial statements that do not comply with promulgated GAAP because the statements would be misleading without the departure, the CPA is not required to disclose
7. The CPA must not subordinate his or her professional judgment to that of others
8. Which of the following is required for a CPA firm to designate itself as "Members of the AICPA" on its letterhead?
9. Mark is the executive partner of Mark & Co. , CPAs. One of its smaller clients is a large nonprofit charitable organization. The organization has asked Mark to be on its board of directors, which consists of a large number of the community's leaders. Membership on the board is honorary. Mark & Co. would be considered to be independent
10. According to the profession's ethical standards, an auditor would be considered independent in which of the following instances?
11. Which of the following bodies ordinarily would have the authority to suspend or revoke a CPA's license to practice public accounting?
Read 'Chapter 3: Colorado Ethics' & answer the following question(s):
12. The Colorado Board of Accountancy must be informed in writing of any change of status: active, inactive, address or employment within
13. To apply for a certificate a baccalaureate degree holder must have included on his/her transcript at least
14. In order to obtain a Colorado certificate a foreign applicant who holds a certificate recognized by the International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB) of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) will not be required to
15. No person may be issued a certificate of public accountant unless that person has obtained one year of work experience, and served with a CPA and completed a minimum of
16. CPE courses accepted by the Colorado board of Accountancy do not include
17. Integrity, objectivity, independence, due care and competence are guidelines or otherwise known as
18. Fees set by courts or government entities acting as judicial or regulatory agencies are considered to be
19. General standards required of all Colorado certificate holders do not include
20. A certificate holder or public accounting firm registered by the board and in compliance with all regulations may use an assumed name or trade name if
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