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Course 171014 - Financial Consultant: Commercial, SBA, RE & VC
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This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) The Professional Financial Consultant: Commercial,
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D.   (2009 )
Field of Study: Finance
CPE Credit: 20 Hours
Level: Basic
Prereqs: None
State Exceptions: None
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Your Price:
Exam Only $102.00

There is no book for this course. The course is based on an electronic .pdf file which you can download now.
*Courses must be completed for CPE credit within one year of the date of

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Electronic Downloads:
The Professional Financial Consultant: Commercial,
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2009, 205 pages
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Course Description:
This course designed to train people interested in financing services to develop the knowledge and techniques required to approve and package a variety of loans and financing, such as SBA loans and venture capital financing. Understanding the new money markets and finding available sources of capital for investment, expansion, real estate development, and investment has challenged the majority of businesses seeking a variety of financing sources. The course focuses on the basic principles, concepts, terminology and instruments to learn and understand how to qualifying a client, packaging a loan, and delineating the various services available in the financial community.

Course Topics:
Professional Loan Brokers Loan Packaging
Commercial Finance Factoring
Equipment Leasing Estates
Deeds Apartment Loan Underwriting Guidelines
Shopping Centers Real Estate Financing And Investment
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