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Course 571003 - Computer Security: Crime and Fraud Protection
  Course Description
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This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) Computer Security: Crime and Fraud Protection
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D.   (2005 )
Field of Study: Technology & Operations
CPE Credit: 14 Hours
Level: Basic
Prereqs: None
State Exceptions: None
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Your Price:
Exam Only $88.00

There is no book for this course. The course is based on an electronic .pdf file which you can download now.
*Courses must be completed for CPE credit within one year of the date of

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Electronic Downloads:
Computer Security: Crime and Fraud Protection
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2005, 289 pages
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Course Description:
The course is intended primarily to help business executives and information systems/computer professionals protect the computer and the data from a wide variety of threats. Security concerns have heightened in the recent years. News events about computer related data errors, thefts, burglaries, fires, and sabotage dominate. Weak computer security and lack of internal controls increases an organization's vulnerability. The major steps in managing computer security are discussed in this course. The course helps business executives identify resources in their organizations that need to be protected.

Course Topics:
Organizational Policy Physical Security And Data Preservation
Hardware Security Software Security
Personnel Security Network Security
Security Policy Contingency Planning
Auditing And Legal Issues Computer Crime, Cyberfraud, And Recent Trends
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