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Course # 661001
Selling Real Estate Without Paying Taxes
based on the book:

Selling Real Estate Without Paying Taxes: A Guide to Capital Gains Tax Alternatives
by: Richard T. Williamson, Esq. ( 2003 )

19 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.    The tax system in the United States is based on taxing increases in wealth as opposed to taxing income.   2
2.    Forgiveness of debt is not taxable.   2
3.    The following creates taxable gains on the disposition of property:   4
appreciation increases in the fair market value of the property
depreciation taken on the property over the years
neither create taxable gains
both create taxable gains
4.    In the author's opinion, taxable gains are good because the alternative is sure to be less desirable.   5

Chapter 2 - What Are Your Objectives?

5.    The four goals of investment or reinvestment are:   9
asset appreciation, security, income and retirement
building wealth, managing growth, maximizing income and estate planning
building wealth, protecting assets, creating a stream of income and estate planning
none of the above

Chapter 3 - How to Estimate Your Capital Gains Taxes

6.    How do capital improvements affect the adjusted basis of a property?   15
they increase it
they decrease it
they have no effect
they increase it only when depreciation is also taken
7.    A component of capital gain on a property is:   16
maintenance expenses
recapture of depreciation
none of the above
8.    The 1997 tax change which reduced the capital gains rate from 28% to 20% only reduced the rate of recapture of depreciation to 25%.   17

Chapter 4 - Benefiting from a Stepped-Up Basis

9.    When one joint tenant dies in a joint tenancy, his ownership interest:   24
passes to the heirs chosen in his 'last will and testament'
vests to his spouse if he does not live in a community property state
automatically and instantly vests to the surviving joint tenant or tenants
none of the above
10.    Community property vesting allows the surviving spouse to receive a full stepped-up basis on both the deceased spouse's share and on the surviving spouse's own share.   25
11.    Obtaining the highest possible value for stepped-up basis is always to your advantage.   31

Chapter 5 - Using the Primary Residence Exclusion

12.    To qualify for the primary residence exclusion, you must pass:   34
the ownership test
the use test
the CPA exam
both the ownership test and the use test
13.    The general rule to pass the primary residence exclusion 'use test' is that the owner must have lived in the home for at least two contiguous years.   35
14.    Depreciation taken as a home office deduction will have to be recaptured and taxed when the home is sold.   42

Chapter 6 - Starker 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchanges

15.    1031 Exchanges allow taxpayers to change the type or character of real estate investments.   43
16.    The party which facilitates and documents 1031 exchanges and holds funds between the sale of a relinquished property and the purchase of a replacement property is known as a(n):   44
acquisition specialist
1031 moderator
exchange arbiter
17.    Trading up means:   48
buying a bigger property
increasing the overall amount of your real estate investment
buying a higher quality property
all of the above
18.    The adjusted basis of relinquished property in a 1031 exchange will transfer to the replacement property.   50
19.    The basic requirements for a fully tax-deferred 1031 exchange include:   56
properties exchanged must be for business use or held for investment
the taxpayer must not get actual or constructive receipt of the proceeds
the use of qualified intermediaries or accommodators
all of the above
20.    In a 1031 exchange where the mortgage on the replacement property is less than the mortgage on the relinquished property, the difference in the mortgage amount is called:   58
exchange relief
mortgage boot
mortgage alleviation
mortgage mercy
21.    The proper time to arrange with an accommodator for a 1031 exchange is:   60
before the sale closes on the relinquished property
before the sale closes on the replacement property
45 days after the sale closes on the replacement property
45 days after the sales closes on the relinquished property
22.    A qualified intermediary creates a 'safe harbor' - that is a legal presumption that there was no actual or constructive receipt of funds.   61
23.    Government licensing requirements for accommodators are:   61
regulated by the FCC
24.    Replacement property identified 46 days after the closing and transfer of relinquished property may qualify for a deferred 1031 exchange.   63
25.    Notifying your title company by telephone that you've identified a replacement property satisfies the 45 day identification rule.   65
26.    A common arrangement for reverse exchanges where a friendly party purchases and holds replacement property until such time as the relinquished property is sold is known as:   76
elbow rooming
tactical maneuvering
none of the above
27.    A QEAA is a:   77
Questionable Exchange Arbiter Agreement
Quick Exchange Allowance Arrangement
Qualified External Accommodation Agreement
Qualified Exchange Accommodation Arrangement

Chapter 7 - Installment Sales

28.    In balancing the risks and benefits of installment sales, you should:   95
decide on an acceptable LTV ratio
determine how long you are willing to carry the note
structure the terms and conditions of the note to address foreseeable risks
do all of the above
29.    Too high of an interest rate on an installment sale may cause the buyer to refinance sooner which may trigger immediate capital gains tax.   99

Chapter 8 - Combining a 1031 Exchange with an Installment Sale

30.    One of the main reasons for using the combination 1031 exchange with an installment sale is to reduce the level of real estate investments as a whole.   111

Chapter 9 - Private Annuity Trusts

31.    Unlike an installment sale, when appreciated realty is exchanged for a private annuity contract, capital gains are triggered.   118
32.    The trustee of a private annuity trust is responsible for:   123
managing the investments of the trust
making the annuity payments to the annuitant at the predetermined times
none of the above
both of the above
33.    The requirement that a private annuity trust be unsecured may be discomforting to a property owner as they lose control of the asset.   131

Chapter 10 - Charitable Remainder Trusts

34.    With a charitable remainder trust, you are able to take a charitable gift income tax deduction to offset your immediate income tax liability subject to certain limitations.   143
35.    A charitable remainder trust is fairly simple to change or cancel once it's been set up.   144
36.    The trustee of a charitable remainder trust may not be:   149
the donor
the donor's spouse
the donor's CPA
none of the above
37.    A wealth replacement trust is a trust designed to purchase and continue paying premiums on a life insurance policy that will pay a set amount on the death of the donor.   152

Chapter 11 - Tax-Free Real Estate Investing in an IRA

38.    Self directed IRAs are illegal.   158
39.    Prohibited transactions of a self directed IRA include:   162
the sale or exchange, or leasing, of any property between the IRA and a disqualified person
lending money or other extension of credit between the IRA and a disqualified person
furnishing goods, services, or facilities between the IRA and a disqualified person
all of the above
40.    Income from debt-financed property is considered Unrelated Business Income (UBI).   163