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Course # 471001
Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior
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Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2006, 194 pages

12 CPE Credit Hours
Communication & Sales

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Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Organizational Behavior

1.    An “organization” is defined as   1
a collection of people who work together to achieve a wide variety of goals.
the study of the many factors that affect how individuals and groups respond.
an administrative and functional structure.
a group that exists to provide goods and services that people want.
2.    Organizational behavior is the study of   1
How people react at work and how environments respond to organizational actions.
The actions and attitudes of people in organizations.
The many factors that impact how organizations respond to individuals and groups and how organizations respond to their environments.
The many factors that impact how individuals and groups manage organizations and how environments respond to organizations.
3.    A 1ikely effect of a bureaucratic structure on employee motivation is that   4
Employee performance will be mediocre because of inflexible standards and impersonal surroundings.
An employee will pursue organizational goals because of his/her participation in establishing them.
Morale will be high because of each employee's feeling of belonging and ownership.
Job enrichment will be high because of each employee's involvement in developing and adapting his/her job description and required tasks.
4.    A Theory X manager most likely believes that employees   6
Require little supervision.
Are creative and imaginative.
Need direction and security.
Solve problems outside their immediate control.

Chapter 2 - Managing People and Organizations

5.    A significant part of a manager’s job in an organization is to use the tools and techniques developed through organizational behavior research to increase organizational   14
Organizational effectiveness.
6.    Henry Mintzberg believed that the functional approach for describing what managers do was inadequate. He developed a system based on managerial roles. The three basic role categories defined by Mintzberg are   15
Planning, organizing, and controlling.
Interpersonal, informational, and decisional.
Decision making, staffing, and communicating.
Motivation, leadership, and delegation.
7.    Which of the following is not one of the principal functions of management?   16
8.    In her job as a telecommunications manager, Donna Paugh needs to be knowledgeable about computer operating systems, telephone networks, satellite communications, and electrical engineering. These managerial skills can be classified as   17
9.    Which of the following is the set of values or beliefs that are approved or sanctioned in that society.   18
National culture.
10.    The ethics of an organization are based on all of the following except   18
Moral rules.
11.    An organization’s workforce consists of workers of different ages, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds, all of which contribute to its   18
Social responsibility.
Affirmative action.
12.    When Ford and General Motors acquired the design skill of Ferrari and Lamborghini they were engaged in   19
Expatriate management.
Global learning.
Global challenge.
None of the above

Chapter 3 - Motivation

13.    Maslow’s theory of motivation is based on a hierarchy of human needs. The need satisfied by greater income is   26
14.    According to Alderfer’s ERG theory, an individual who is frustrated in satisfying a higher-level need will   27
Stay at the current level.
Increase the level of persistence at all cost until he or she satisfies the need.
Skip to the next higher level of need.
Experience increased motivation to satisfy lower-level needs.
15.    The three major factors in expectancy theory are   30
Effort, direction, and persistence.
Valence, instrumentality, and effort.
Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
Existence, relatedness, and growth.
16.    Equity theory is based on   27
The objective comparison of what a worker provides to the companyùthe worker's inputsùwith the pay and benefits the company provides the worker.
The subjective comparison of what a worker is provided by the companyùthe inputsùwith the performance provided by the employeeùthe outcomes.
The objective comparison of what a worker provides the company with the outcomes provided by the company.
The perceptual comparison of what a worker provides the company with the outcomes provided by the company.
17.    Valence is defined as   31
A worker's perceptions about the extent to which his or her effort will result in a given level of job performance.
How desirable each of the outcomes available on a job is to an individual worker.
The extent of the perceived association or relationship between performance and an outcome.
A person's belief about his or her ability to perform a particular behavior successfully.
18.    Procedural justice is concerned with the   32
Distribution of outcomes.
Perceived fairness of the methods used in making decisions about the distribution of outcomes.
Fair and equitable distribution of outcomes across workers.
Objective fairness of the methods used to determine the fair and equitable distribution of outcomes across workers.
19.    Job enlargement is typified by   34
Horizontal loading of the job.
Vertical loading of the job.
Increased worker control of tasks.
More rapid performance feedback.
20.    The job characteristics model’s primary focus is identifying which job characteristics contribute to   35
Extrinsically motivating work.
Intrinsically motivating work.
How workers interpret past behaviors.
Workers' growth need strength.
21.    According to the job characteristics model, the overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation is called the   38
Motivating potential score (MPS).
Job diagnostic survey (JDS).
Job diagnostic inventory (JDI).
Growth needs survey (GNS).

Chapter 4 - Work-Related Attitudes

22.    Herzberg postulated a two-factor theory of human behavior that included satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Which of the following is a dissatisfier?   41
Challenging work.
Promotion to another position.
23.    Diversity training can include   49
Role-playing and self-awareness activities.
Role-playing and political correctness training.
Diversity awareness and cardiovascular tests.
Self-awareness activities and political correctness training.
24.    Which of the following is important for successful mentoring to take place?   50
An atmosphere of mutual respect.
An atmosphere of mutual understanding.
The mentor must have the prot?g?'s best interests in mind
All of the above.
25.    Diversity programs are more likely to be successful if they include   49
Repeated efforts with follow-up activities to see if the training accomplished its objectives.
Single, concentrated sessions that celebrate diversity with activities such as having employees dress in traditional ethnic clothing.
Single, concentrated efforts to ensure bias and prejudice have been eliminated.
Repeated efforts with follow-up activities to ensure all employees think the same way.
26.    What effect occurs when general impressions of a target influence perceptions of more specific dimensions.   49
Contrast .
27.    Which of the following are correct statements regarding sexual harassment law?   50
If someone doesn't complain about being sexually harassed and I, as the supervisor, don't know about it, neither the organization nor I can be held responsible.
The word harassment has the same meaning as the term unlawful harassment.
A man cannot sexually harass another man, nor can a woman sexually harass another woman.
None of the above.

Chapter 5 - Organizational Communication and Power

28.    Which one of the following is not an example of formal communication within an organization?   60
The grapevine.
Variance analysis.
The performance evaluation system.
A budget.
29.    Which one of the following statements regarding communication along the grapevine in an organization is incorrect?   60
By maintaining open channels of communication, managers can minimize the damage the grapevine can do in an organization.
Attempts to totally eliminate the grapevine are unlikely to succeed.
The grapevine communication network can exist in several patterns.
The grapevine is rumor-mongering, and managers should not use it.
30.    A manager can use power and authority to accomplish objectives. The relationship between these two important concepts is best explained as follows:   63
Power is the right to do things, while authority is the ability to do things.
Authority is the right to do things, while power is the ability to do things.
Power and authority are both required to accomplish a task.
Power and authority are simply two words that describe the same conceptùhow to get things done in organizations.

Chapter 6 - Groups and Teams in Organizations

31.    According to Tuckman’s five-stage model, members really start to feel like they belong to the group, and they develop close ties with one another in the   72
Norming stage.
Adjourning stage.
Forming stage.
Storming stage.
32.    According to Tuckman’s five-stage model, the group is ready to tackle tasks and work toward achieving its goals in the   72
Performing stage.
Adjourning stage.
Forming stage.
Storming stage.
33.    Which of the following is not an advantage of teamwork compared with work performed by individuals?   77
Teams provide support to the team members.
Teams make decisions that are more easily accepted.
Teams provide a clear link between effort and outcome.
Teams control and discipline members.
34.    Teams in which a significant amount of communication and interaction occurs electronically, using computer hardware and software, are known as   82
Cross-functional teams.
Skunk works.
Virtual teams.
Self-managed teams.

Chapter 7 - Leadership

35.    Leadership situations vary with regard to the degree to which the leader can determine what sub ordinates will do, how they will do it, and what the results will be. According to Fiedler’s contingency theory, a leader with a relationship-oriented management style will be most effective when (s)he exerts   92
Great control.
Moderate control.
Little control.
Great or little control.
36.    Marianne is a manager who believes that positive employee attitudes are extremely important. She cooperates with employees in solving problems. A likely effect on employee behavior of this supportive leadership style is   93
Mistrust of the manager.
A lack of extraordinary performance.
High employee turnover.
Increased employee creativity.
37.    The two distinct leadership styles in Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership are referred to as   91
Job oriented and employee oriented.
Task oriented and relationship oriented.
Initiating structure and consideration.
Job oriented and relationship oriented.
38.    Which leaders according to Fiedler are called high/low LPC leaders.   91
Relationship-oriented; high.
Relationship-oriented; low.
Task-oriented; high.
Co-employee; low.
39.    The path-goal theory of leadership focuses on effective leaders as   94
40.    The Vroom-Yetton model of leadership helps leaders to choose an appropriate level of subordinate participation by   94
Determining whether an individual or a group decision needs to be made.
Indicating which subordinates are more likely to be problematic and should be avoided.
Providing a personality evaluation of the leader.
Choosing which subordinates are the most informed.

Chapter 8 - Prosocial Behavior, Cooperation Conflict, and Stress

41.    Which of the following would not be considered a conflict trigger?   102
Ambiguous jurisdictions.
Competition for scarce resources.
Status differential.
Superordinate goals.
42.    Which one of the following techniques is not generally recognized as an effective conflict resolution technique for management to use in a dispute between employees?   104
Accommodation - management encourages a high degree of cooperation and a low degree of assertiveness.
Competition - management encourages the parties to seek their own interests, regardless of the effect on each other.
Reorganization - management transfers one of the disputants to another department.
Compromise - management persuades each party to make concessions.
43.    Many people think that conflict is inherently detrimental to an organization. However, studies and actual case experience demonstrate that some conflict is desirable if an organization is to thrive. Identify the technique that management could use to stimulate conflict.   103
Authoritative command.
Restructuring the organization.
Expansion of resources.
Creation of superordinate goals.

Chapter 9 - Making Decisions in Organizations

44.    Which of the following is not an assumption that is made when assuming rationality on the part of the company?   118
The company chooses the decision that results in the maximum economic payoff.
The company seeks solutions that minimize conflict.
The criteria and alternatives can be ranked according to their importance.
Specific decision criteria are constant and the weights assigned to them are stable over time.
45.    The rational decision-making process is most often typified by   119
Perfect information.
Bounded rationality.
Selection of optimum decisions.
Choice of the least risky solution.
46.    The term “escalation of commitment” refers to   121
The process of continuing to fund old projects because of inadequate information or time to formally analyze the costs and benefits associated with continued investment.
The decision maker increasing the resources to a new course of action if the employee can recommend alternatives such that the decision maker will view the new course of action as his/her own initiative.
The decision maker increasing the resources to the previous course of action in an effort to demonstrate that the previous course of action was appropriate.
Committing to projects that have been shown to be successful and limiting the additional commitment of resources to projects that have been unsuccessful.
47.    A company has recently introduced total quality management (TQM). The company’s top management wants to determine a new and innovative approach to foster total participation throughout the company. Management should   125
Bring the employees together for a brainstorming session.
Seek isolation from all distractions in order to think the problem through.
Rely on themselves to develop a new approach.
Use a disciplined problem-solving approach.

Chapter 10 - Culture, Creativity, and Innovation

48.    An organization's culture   134
Provides a sense of identity for its members.
Generate commitment to the organization's mission.
Serves to clarify and reinforce standards of behavior.
Does all of the above.
49.    The final stage of the innovation process involves   142
Testing and implementing the ideas.
Assessing the new idea.
Producing the ideas.
None of the above.

Chapter 11 - Designing Effective Organizations

50.    The difference between a tall organization structure and a flat organization structure is that in the former   148
The communication process takes longer and is of poorer quality,
Maintenance of the organization is less costly.
The morale of lower-level employees is generally higher.
A higher degree of coordination and cooperation is created.
51.    Which of the following is an advantage of a tall organizational structure?   148
The flow of communications from top to bottom and bottom to top is improved.
The organization's overall objectives are familiar to all employees.
More opportunity to advance.
Labor expenses are reduced.
52.    Which of the following is a disadvantage of a flat organizational structure?   148
Employees are not encouraged to be creative.
The input of fresh ideas from outside the company is limited because employee turnover is low.
Managers spend too much time training individuals and not enough time supervising.
Employees may not be performing work tasks properly.
53.    In what form of organization does an employee report to multiple managers?   152
54.    Routine tasks, which have few exceptions and problems that are easy to analyze, are conducive to   156
Formalized structure, in which procedures manuals and job descriptions are common.
Decentralized decision making, in which decisions are pushed downward in the organization.
Organic structures that emphasize adaptability and flexibility to changing circumstances.
High degrees of job satisfaction on the part of the employees performing them.
55.    An adhocracy is most likely to be found in what kind of organizational structure?   156

Chapter 12 - Managing Organizational Change and Development

56.    When an organization depends to a great extent on its environment, which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship among an organization’s environment, the level of uncertainty it faces, and its structure? The more dynamic and complex the environment, the   165
More uncertainty the organization will face and the more organic the structure should be.
More uncertainty the organization will face and the more mechanistic the structure should be.
Less uncertainty the organization will face and the more autocratic the structure should be.
Less uncertainty the organization will face and the more organic the structure should be.
57.    The factors contributing to the benefits of making an organizational change are as follows.   170
The amount of dissatisfaction with current conditions.
The availability of a desirable alternative.
The existence of a plan for achieving that alternative.
All of the above.
58.    MBO managers are most likely to believe that employees   176
Are self-motivated.
Dislike their work.
Avoid responsibility whenever possible.
Work best when threatened with punishment.
59.    Which of the following is not a typical example of how to improve work objects.   176
Increase production by 10% within 3 months.
Average no more than 3 absent days per employee per year.
Improve quality of production.
Average no more than2% of raw material.
60.    MBO managers are most likely to believe that employees   176
Dislike their work.
Are self-motivated.
Avoid responsibility whenever possible.
Work best when threatened with punishment.