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Course # 371011
Sales Management: Products and Services
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Sales Management: Products and Services
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2009, 171 pages

12 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - Sales management and selling: Its development and role in the American society

1.    Which of the following statements about sales management in the 21st century is true?   4
Sales managers will use a hands-off approach and let the professional salesperson be his or her own boss
Transactional exchanges no longer occur
Sales management must be smart and nimble and provide technology-centered solutions to support the sales effort
Salespeople make little use of the Internet because they realize the importance of the personal touch
2.    __________ is the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a person's or group's purchase decision.   4
Sales management
Personal selling
Sales promotion
3.    __________ is the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time.   5
Relationship selling
Order processing
Order taking
Customer value creation
4.    Partnership selling is sometimes called:   5
Transactional marketing
Enterprise selling
Strategic pairing
Creative selling
5.    The contributions of selling include all except:   5
The world beats a path to your door
Productive economy
High standard of living
Generates direct revenue and profits
6.    Our economy has shifted from a “manufacturing-oriented” economy to a:   6
A market-oriented economy
A product driven economy
A service driven economy
A export driven economy

Chapter 2 - The salesperson’s responsibilities and qualifications

7.    Successful selling does all the following except:   9
Ends with the initial order
Builds volume
Generates repeat orders
Satisfies the buyer
8.    The salesman’s duties also include:   9
Filling orders
Business development
Completing reports
Collecting market information
9.    The only business function that generates direct revenue and profits is:   15
10.    _______________ is not a common way to classify the salesperson’s job:   17
11.    Which of the following is not required for the Executing Skills category of SMEI’s SCPS® certification program.?   18
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Overcoming objections
Customer Relations Management (CRM)

Chapter 3 - Selling as a career

Chapter 4 - Motivation and consumer behavior

12.    To be effective in his/her work the salesman must be able to do all the following except:   19
Analyze consumer behavior
Stick to consumer's mind
Understand consumer behavior
Understand what influences a particular customer
13.    Maslow's theory of motivation is based on a hierarchy of human needs. The need satisfied by greater income is   20
14.    Theories of buyer motivation do not include:   25
Mental-state theory
Product development theory
Appeal-response theory
Buying-decision theory

Chapter 5 - Information on the company, the product, competition, and advertising

15.    Although a salesperson is well informed as her product she need not know:   30
How the product is made
How life cycle costing is determined.
The different styles
The different models
16.    _______________ is not an advantage of advertising:   31
Increased demand for product or service
Media selection is easier in this technological age
Creates faster turnover of inventories
Identifies quality products (brand names)
17.    Product information helps the salesperson to:   31
Pre-sell products and services
Reinforce sales presentations
Keep up to date on product knowledge, which is a never-ending process
Secure new leads and contracts
18.    The three C's of credits not include:   34
19.    There are many different ways in which the word price is used. This does not include:   36
Right price
List price
Net price
Zone price
20.    _________________ is not a law regulating prices and trade practices:   37
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906
Blue Laws Act of 2001
Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914

Chapter 6 - Credit, pricing, and discounts

Chapter 7 - The selling process and prospecting

21.    The selling process can be broken into a series of steps that include all except:   42
Baiting the hook
Planning and delivering presentation
Handling objections and closing
22.    Which one of the following is not a prospecting method?   45
Bait and switch
Company leads

Chapter 8 - Types of sales presentations and considerations for effective delivery

23.    ________________________ is not a type pf sales presentation:   51
Standard memorized presentation
Outline presentation
Illustrative presentation
Program presentation
24.    An effective delivery to be successful will not include:   52
Preparation and organization
Mock presentation
Proper setting and showing
Outline of key points
25.    The salesperson will always explain her product or service in terms of appeal except for:   54
Hearing seeing
Smelling and tasting
26.    The successful sales person will emphasize:   55
The poor quality of the competitor's products
Avoid comparisons of competing products or services
Make comparisons of different and similar products
The pros and cons of her own products

Chapter 9 - Opening the sales interview

27.    In executing the opening , _____________________ is not one of the things that a salesperson should avoid:   60
False flattery
Low-pressure tactics
Cocky and overly aggressive

Chapter 10 - Handling objections

28.    Which of the following is not a major cause of customer complaints?   64
Improper buying, habitual complainers
Inefficient store system
Quality relative to price
Inadequate trained personnel
29.    Price objections can not include:   64
Quantity discount
Price is too high
I'm waiting for a lower price
I don't wish to spend that much
30.    Objection based on bad service experience does not include:   65
ôYou don't have a service representative nearbyö
ôYou have a lemon hereö
It takes too long to get service'
ôYou have a reputation for giving bad serviceö
31.    To handle objections in a positive manner the salesperson should do all the following except:   66
Demonstrate the product appealing to the senses
Guarantee the favorable result
Compare the product with other products
Appeal to the prospects needs and wants

Chapter 11 - Closing the sale

32.    In closing the salesperson should not:   70
Offer price and quality guarantee
Instill confidence
Be adequately prepared
Use careful planning and effective execution
33.    The most accurate closing signals furnished by the prospect’s comments include all except:   71
I'd like to see other samples
It's better than anything I've seen
What would my monthly payments be
How soon can you deliver this product
34.    Trial closes are not usually necessary when:   72
The prospect is not completely ready
There are questions on the prospects priority in buying
Insufficient information has been presented
The salesperson may have answered the prospect's objections satisfactorily.
35.    Which of the following is not a common method used for closing?   74
Get the prospect to make minor decisions first
The conditional method
The true-false choice
Point out the risks of waiting

Chapter 12 - Customer relations

36.    Successful selling cannot depend on:   82
Criticizing the competitions weaknesses
Repeat sales
Satisfied customers
Creating good will
37.    Good relations with customers can be developed by:   82
Sell at a low commission
Give post sales instructions and helpful hints
Send fliers with rebates
Look for related ways to help the customer

Chapter 13 - Ethics in selling

38.    Ethics in selling does not have to do with:   88
Moral principles
Good actions and practices
Standard codes of ethics: professional conduct
Profit margin on sales
39.    The salesperson’s responsibility to the consumer does not include:   89
To serve the consumer
To sell something the consumer does not need
To fill the consumer's needs
To satisfy the consumer
40.    The salesperson’s responsibility to the government and society does not encompass:   93
Concerned solely with making the company a profit
Concern for unemployment
Concern with pollution
Concern with crime
41.    SMEI’s International Code of Ethics for Sales and Marketing refers to a salesperson’s pledge of high standards in serving your company, its customers, and free enterprise.   94

Chapter 14 - Personal planning and

42.    The self-directed salesperson does not:   96
Plan and control
Be self motivate
Set her own goals
Resign herself to fate
43.    The salesperson should analyze the following quantitative aspects except:   96
Sales volume breakdown of mail, telephone and sales in person
Cash collections from credit sales
Number of average size of orders
Number of average calls to secure an order
44.    To avoid wasted calls and actions the salesperson should consider all except:   100
Continue to call on accounts who will never buy
Determine the people he/she will visit
Consider their location
Review what happened on previous calls or sales
45.    The salesperson’s records should include:   102
Customer's to avoid
Customer's name, address, telephone number
Date of each visit
Points emphasized by the salesperson on each visit

Chapter 15 - Retail selling

46.    ______________ is not part of processes and purposes in retail selling:   107
Greet and question the customer
Determine the customer's wants or needs
Emphasize selling the most expensive product
Explain and demonstrate customer's selections
47.    Methods of increasing retail sales do not include:   109
Let the customer close the sale
Know your merchandise
Analyze the customer's needs
Organize your presentation
48.    After a sale the salesperson should not do the following:   115
Refer to a replacement product as a substitute
Assure the customer of his wise choice
Give him/her some additional advice
Thank the customer for his/her patronage
49.    Common types of customers do not include:   116
Just-looking type
Assertive type
Hurried type
Uncertain or confused type

Chapter 16 - Industrial selling

50.    Characteristics of industrial selling do not include:   122
Standardized products not highly specialized
Government agencies
51.    Industrial salespersons usually have:   124
More accounts
Sales require relatively lesser technical knowledge and skills
Sales pitches are presented to several people to secure a sale
Many sales associates
52.    Which one of the following is not a major buying motive of the purchasing agent:   126

Chapter 17 - Sales management

53.    Major responsibilities of sales managers can not include:   131
Set product standards
Supervise the sales force
Recruit and select
Train sales personnel
54.    The sales manager is not usually responsible for making company sales forecasts.   133

Chapter 18 - Selecting and training of salespeople

55.    Better selection and training procedures can result in all except:   143
Higher profit margins
Lower turnover rates
More competitive sales force
Lower sales turnover
56.    Personal interviews for sales positions basically do not include:   149
Pre-basic training seminar/performance
Preliminary or screening interview
Follow-up or screening interview
Planned or structured interview
57.    _________________ is not one of questions frequently asked in the personal interview:   150
What are your religious and political views
Why do you wish to pursue a career in sales
What are your interests in our company
What are your strengths and weaknesses

Chapter 19 - The sales force of the future

58.    New techniques for sales success do not include:   156
Get a voice-mail advantage
Frequent house calls
Improve your e-mail habits
FAX casually
59.    Which of the following is not a sales force productivity driver?   159
Sales research
Sales force investment and organization
Sales budget
People selection, recruitment and training
60.    Territory level analysis has proven most to be useful for the issues except:   162
If salespeople do not allocate their time effectively
If target sales are well balanced.
If all sales territories have proper workload
If high performers are underpaid and low performers are overpaid