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Course # 371010
Retailing: Brick-Mortar/Click-Mortar
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Retailing: Brick-Mortar/Click-Mortar
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2009, 205 pages

14 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - Retailers and their structure

1.    Retail is the ____________ industry in the U.S. both in number of establishments and number of employees.   3
Second largest
Third largest
Fifth largest
2.    _____________________ are not included in traditional retailing:   5
Department stores
Chain stores
3.    Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of online retailers?   4
Not completely trusted by consumers
Better deals than traditional retailers
Cost per customer is higher than for traditional retailers
Customer satisfaction and service is lower than traditional retailers

Chapter 2 - Retail management requirements

4.    Marketers can carry on online marketing in the following way(s):   7
Using e-mail
Participating in forums, newsgroups, and bulletin boards
Creating an electronic storefront
All of the above
5.    Suggestions to improve the plight of e-tailers do not include the following:   9
Keep it sophisticated
Think like your customer
Don't blow everything on advertising
Don't undercut prices
6.    Retail management skills do not include:   8
Technical skills
Human skills
Conceptual skills
Negotiation skills

Chapter 3 - Store Location

7.    Human factor requirements refer to:   12
A sense of smell
A sense of loyalty and competency
A sense of taste
A sense of hearing
8.    Successful retail businesses:   14
Provide employment
Facilitate market distribution
Benefit their communities in many other ways
Do all of the above
9.    The suburbanite is more apt to:   13
Own a home
Rent more furniture and appliances
Employ a gardner
Use a handy person

Chapter 4 - Store buildings, fixtures and equipment

10.    Fundamental considerations to be taken into account in choosing a site do not include:   18
The estimated volume of business
Number of holidays
Customer buying
Potential customer traffic
11.    IT in retailing can give information on all except:   21
Price lines and sizes and color of merchandise
Theft and breakage
12.    ____________________ is not a factor affecting layout or arrangement of fixtures and merchandise:   21
Size and shape of space occupied
Location of unloading dock, elevator
The local environment
Kinds of merchandise handled

Chapter 5 - Arranging the store's interior - layout

13.    The general patterns evidenced in the structure for branch operations do not include:   23
ôBrood hen and chickö organization
Spinoff plan
ôSeparate storeö plan
ôEqual storeö structure
14.    One of the following is not one of the four major steps involved in selecting retail employees:   28
Making careful job analyses and prepar¡ing job specifications
Having the employee take an IQ test.
Developing satisfactory sources of recruitment
Introducing the employee to the store and the job.
15.    Techniques available for appraising training programs include:   26
Shopping service reports
Number of errors
Number of complaints
All the above

Chapter 6 - Structure of the retail firm

16.    Which one of the following is not a goal of a compensation plan?   30
Keep wages under control
Reduce labor turnover and discontent employees
Minimize benefit packages
Plan easily understood by employees and management
17.    Job dissatisfaction and employee complaints can include:   35
Working conditions
Fringe benefits
Employee participation with management\
All of the above
18.    ___________________ is not an essential element in a merchandise budgeting plan:   34
Purchases and gross margin
Specific items to be purchased

Chapter 7 - Retail human resource management

19.    A good budget to accomplish its purpose should:   40
Be planned at least six months in advance
Represent the combined judgment of those influenced
Cover a long period
Be modified periodically
20.    The stock-sales ratio indicates the relationship that exists:   44
Between the retail value of stock at the close of the fiscal year and the net sales for that year.
An ideal balance that should prevail between stock and sales
The stock at the beginning of the month at retail and the sales for that month
The stock at the end of the month at retail and the sales for that month

Chapter 8 - Merchandising policies and budget

21.    Two types of formal buying plans available are:   51
Standard stock and variable stock
Basic stock list and model stock list
General stock and specific stock
Stock specialties and stock discounts
22.    Factors that influence the quantities of stock to be purchased do not include:   53
Poor inventory control
Expected sales volume
Type of merchandise, i.e. Perishable
Source of supply

Chapter 9 - Planning and selecting item assortments

23.    Once established, a basic stock list should:   59
Never be changed
Be revised constantly
Be reviewed annually for possible changes
Be changed only when competitors force such action
24.    ________________ is not an inside source of information on customer’s buying habits:   61
Past sales
Vendor's offerings
Returned goods and adjustment data
Credit department ratings
25.    A model stock is not:   61
Forward looking
Based partly on an analysis of past sales
For fashion goods.

Chapter 10 - Buying : Selecting merchandising resources

26.    _______________________ is not a major source of supply open to retailers:   65
Wholesale middlemen
Other retailers
Farmers and growers
27.    Group buying yield the following benefits except:   69
Large discounts
Requires carrying large inventories
More saleable goods or fashionable goods
Buyer's time is saved
28.    An invoice or resources bill of goods will not include:   67

Chapter 11 - Buying : Negotiating with merchandise resources

29.    Discounts can be based on all the following except:   73
Quantity discounts
Trade discounts
Seasonal discounts
Functional discounts
30.    “Terms of sale” do not refer to:   77
Transportation charges stipulated on the invoice
31.    "Net 30 days" is a good example of _________________.   75
Advanced dating
Seasonal dating
Ordinary dating
Eom dating (receipt of goods)

Chapter 12 - Merchandise control

32.    On an invoice dated August 7, with terms 3/10 EOM, the 3 percent discount can be taken through   80
33.    Limitations of merchandise control can not include:   83
Provides accurate buying information
Frequent appraisal of system required
Control systems can be costly to install
Control systems can be costly to operate
34.    Merchandise management or stock control refers to:   84
A balanced relationship between stocks and sales
The ownership of merchandise
The rate of merchandise turnover
The handling of merchandise between delivery and sales

Chapter 13 - Handling incoming merchandise

35.    Which one of the following is not a unit control system?   89
Requisition or reserve stock control
Warehouse control system
Remainder system
Reminder system
36.    Stock shortages or theft of merchandise can be minimized by all except:   91
Installing burglar alarms
Regular police protection
Using ôhuman spottersö
Loss or damage tax write-offs
37.    Centralization of common activities in the receiving operations of merchandise allows for all except:   86
Better control of incoming merchandise
Less danger of lost invoices and discounts
Increases in the quality of work at lower costs
Allows salespeople to do a variety of jobs

Chapter 14 - Pricing

38.    Information required on incoming shipments can not include:   95
Date and hour of arrival
Increases risk of theft
Conditions of goods (any damages)
Weight and delivery charges
39.    Limitations of price lining do not include:   99
Difficult to obtain adequate assortments
Limits the store's ability to meet competition's price
Prices may not be acceptable by customers
Price lines provide customer with a wide assortment
40.    ________________ is not a factor influencing markup:   101
Customer appeal
Ethnic choices
Private brands
Price and level adjustments

Chapter 15 - Advertising and Display

41.    Other factors that can influence markup pricing include:   108
Seasonal consideration
Newness of an item
Manufacturer's policies
Profit on particular items, not total profit is the goal
42.    The steps in programming retail advertising do not include:   111
Plan the advertising
Write the press release
Prepare the actual advertisements
Test the advertising and select appropriate media

Chapter 16 - Other nonpersonal methods of retail

43.    Interior displays can be classified into these categories except:   118
Merchandise displays
Seasonal window paintings
Dealer displays
Store signs
44.    Non-personal methods of sales promotion used by retailers do not include:   120
Packaging and labeling

Chapter 17 - Personal salesmanship

45.    Sales promotions employed by supermarkets do not include:   125
Games of chance
Food sampling
Candy give-away
46.    Some general rules helpful in selling include all except:   128
Mention competitors poor service and poor quality goods
Never argue with the customer
Learn to anticipate objections
Deal fairly with the customer, listen to their opinions
47.    Which of the following is not a major cause of customer complaints?   127
Improper buying, habitual complainers
Inefficient store system
Quality relative to price
Inadequate trained personnel

Chapter 18 - Customer services

48.    Customer services can not include:   131
Repair service
Sell on cash basis only
Additional store hours
Personal shopping, selecting for the customer
49.    ______________________ is not a type of retail credit or consumer credit:   134
Open account credit
Installment credit
Partial credit
Revolving credit
50.    Which of the following Federal statutes does not apply to credit legislation?   133
The Consumer Credit Protection Act
Federal Reserve Credit Act
The öFair Credit Reportingö Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Chapter 19 - Retail credit and collections

51.    _____________ is not a yardstick for judging the effectiveness of credit departments:   140
Number of accounts opened in a given period
Number of credit applications refused
Number of delinquent accounts
The number of competing credit card companies
52.    Accounting records serve all of the following purposes except:   142
To determine past financial results of operations
For appraising current results and making future plans
To boost stock market prices with deceptive information
To establish credit lines with financial institutions
53.    The retailer’s “net worth” is:   145
The amount in the bank
The amount by which total assets exceed total liabilities
The total assets on the balance sheet
The total liabilities on the balance sheet

Chapter 20 - Basic accounting controls

54.    The daily record of each day’s transactions does not include:   152
Daily cash and credit sales
Personnel expenses
Merchandise receipts and expenditures
Operating expenses
55.    An item conspicuously absent from operating statements under the cost method of figuring profits is the:   156
Stock shortage
Net profit
Store expenses
Gross margin
56.    Advantages of the retail method of preparing an operating statement include all except:   153
Provides effective control over profit
It is costly to operate
Permits valuation of inventory
Facilitates taking physical inventory
57.    Which of the following two figures are required by the retail inventory method to be carried on the retailer’s books at retail and at cost?   154
Inventory and purchases
Inventory and markup
Purchase and sales
Markups and markdowns

Chapter 21 - Analyzing and controlling expenses

58.    In seeking to improve profits, the retailer has most control over:   158
Cost of goods
Net sales
59.    Methods of allocating expenses do not include:   160
The net profit plan
The contribution plan
The combined plan
The reciprocal service method
60.    Expense comparison and analysis do not involve:   162
A review of the retailer's expenses over a period of time
A comparison with other retailers
Analysis of expenses though an expense budget

Chapter 22 - Control of sales transactions

61.    The internal theft problems that can arise in a retail business do not include   167
Pilferage of merchandise and supplies by employees
A bank reconciliation
Retention of store money by employees who handle cash
Collusion between employees and outsiders
62.    Major crimes committed against retailers by outsiders include all except:   168
Price-ticket switching
Credit card frauds
Employee embezzlement
63.    Internal theft problems include:   168
Pilferage of merchandise and supplies
Retention of store money
All the above

Chapter 23 - Retail security and loss prevention

64.    Management’s prime responsibility is to:   169
Provide competent wages
Operate profitably
Engage in research
Support community projects
65.    Online retailers (e-tailers) should not take into account:   173
Type of goods appropriate for store selling
The prices customers are willing to pay based on conveniences.
Suitable software interfaces.
Manner of payment by customers for online purchases.

Chapter 24 - Management coordination and leadership

66.    Which of the following is true of the balance sheet?   176
It includes revenue and expense accounts.
It identifies a store's assets and liabilities as of a specific date
It shows the results of operations for an accounting period.
It discloses the amount of dividends paid.
67.    Which of the following is the correct way to date an operating statement?   178
January 1ùDecember 31, 20A
At December 31, 20A.
As of December 31, 20A
From the beginning January 1, 20A

Chapter 25 - Brick and Mortar to Click and Mortar: E-tailing

68.    Gross margin is   188
Revenue minus expenses.
Assets minus liabilities.
Sales minus cost of goods sold.
Sales minus operating expenses.
69.    The first step in merchandising budgeting is the preparation of the:   192
Planned purchase budget.
Gross margin budget.
Planned sales forecast.
Cash budget.
70.    _________________________ is not likely to be a future change in retailing.   194
Online sales exceeding traditional brick-mortar sales
The growth of multi-channel retailing,
The increasing impact of technology,
The dramatic changes in the way consumers shop