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Course # 211001
Texas Ethics - The CPA’s Guide to Ethical Behavior
based on the electronic .pdf file(s):

The CPA’s Guide to Ethical Behavior (PDF)
by: Jolene A. Lampton, Ph.D., MBA, BSE, CPA, CGMA, CFE, 2024, 39 pages
The CPA's Guide to Ethical Behavior (PowerPoint)
by: Jolene A. Lampton, Ph.D., MBA, BSE, CPA, CGMA, CFE, 2024, 39 pages
Readings - How Fraud Hurts an Organization
by: Jolene A. Lampton, Ph.D., MBA, BSE, CPA, CGMA, CFE, 2024, 10 pages

4 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - The CPA's Guide to Ethical Behavior

1.    Within a company, who has the highest level of responsibility to protect the shareholders from fraud?   1
the board of directors
the independent CPAs
company management
stakeholders and members of the public
2.    In which of the following situations would a CPA be considered independent?   15
She is the controller for the company.
She is a temporary training instructor during part of the period.
She has or is committed to acquire a large but indirect interest in the client.
She has or is committed to acquire a small direct interest in the client.
3.    Which of the following acts discredit or adversely affect a certificate or registration holder’s ability to engage in the practice of public accountancy?   28
Filing a frivolous complaint
Knowingly preparing a false tax return
Accepting a fee fixed by a state regulatory agency
Issuing a disclaimer of opinion
4.    A licensee may perform which of the following services for a contingent fee?   18
An engagement as a testifying accounting expert
An engagement requiring independence
An audit or review of financial statements
A tax case in front of a tax court in a dispute for a non-audit client
5.    The Rules of Professional Conduct apply to which of the following:   10
Practitioners who prepare reports for use by the client's board of directors.
Texas CPAs engaged in the client practice of public accountancy
A temporary employee with direct financial interest in the client
Only out of state practitioners
6.    Which of the following statements is true about mission statements?   6
Organizations with mission statements have consequences for fraudulent activity.
The Rules of Professional Conduct mandate that clients have mission statements.
Mission statements usually express an organization's core values
Mission statements are included in an organization's bylaws.
7.    A situation or state of affairs that can resolve ethical dilemmas for the long term is:   26
Implementing checklists in the organization.
Holding anti-bribery training sessions in the organization.
Regular training sessions with discussion and interaction.
Role playing situations with supervisory personnel.
8.    A client has a right to some of the auditor’s working papers. Which of the following would a client have a right to obtain?   20
Audit programs
A worksheet that represents the only support for a transaction in the books of original entry.
A worksheet that contains excerpts of company documents
Letters of representation and confirmation
9.    Which statement relating to issuance of financial statements is false?   15
Independence is eliminated by disclosure in the accompanying audit report.
A preparer of financial statements can be an administrator of the estate of the client or his representative.
Independence of the CPA must be in fact and appearance.
Independence is required only for attestation services.
10.    Indicate which statement is true regarding advertising contact with clients as well as prospective clients.   24
Advertising should not be continued when the prospective party expressly writes that he/she does not wish to be contacted.
Advertising may be via the Internet.
Copies of advertisements of certificate holders should be retained for a period of 12 months.
Only certificate holders who follow generally accepted auditing standards may advertise.
11.    Which of the following is not part of the Fraud Triangle?   41
12.    A key component of ethics policy should be:   30
To securely embed the policy in external operations.
To test certified employees periodically to determine competence.
For staff to feel comfortable so they can raise issues without fear.
Delivery of an awareness campaign that requires suppliers to participate.
13.    Certificate or registration holders must report which of the following events to the State Board?   29
Cell phone restrictions
Felony charges
Any lawsuits of the certificate holder
Bankruptcy filings by the CPA
14.    Which of the following is not a discreditable act?   28
Fraudulently obtaining a CPA certificate
Committing gross negligence in the practice of public accountancy
Being arrested for not paying a traffic ticket
Threatening retribution to a client
15.    Certificate holders may receive the following types of compensation:   18
Contingency fees for testifying in a court of law
Commissions for client referrals
Other compensation for referrals if disclosed in writing by nature, source, and amount of compensation
Fees for services when an individual acts for the certificate holder
16.    Research on ethics supports the fact that CPAs should take CPE ethics training on a regular basis because:   5
Accountants need more advanced tools to fulfill their obligations in an increasingly complex environment so as to lessen ethical lapses.
Taking an ethics course guarantees proper ethical behavior.
Kohlberg supports ethics training.
Accountants need to restore public confidence.
17.    Reports accompanying the financial statements of a client:   10
may disclaim an opinion
need only be issued for reviews and compilation services
may be signed by a certificate holder
may contain departures from generally accepted accounting principles
18.    Independence is impaired in which of the following situations?   15
The certificate holder had an immaterial financial interest in the husband of a client.
The CPA served as an executor of an estate that had a direct financial interest in the client.
For all grandfathered loans
When a certificate holder performs services on a voluntary basis for charitable organizations
19.    An ultimate test for a healthy culture in organizations is   12
For the CEO to develop an innovative strategy for the short term
To evaluate CEO's for having developed and nourished a constructive culture in organizations
To evaluate CFO's for making a profit in organizations
To see if the CEO makes profits consistently.
20.    Prudence is a virtue from Aristotle that:   10
Dupes employees into believing people are generally honest.
Supports attest work where opinions differ on discslosures in financial statements.
Represents the ability to govern oneself with use of reason that avoids risk.
Requires that prudish people take a no-risk approach.