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Course # 171015
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act & Corporate Governance
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Corporate Governance
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2014, 159 pages

12 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 0 - Course Material

1.    Prior to the SOX ACT of 2002, the CFO was keen on   
Improving his or her objectivity and independence
Using aggressive accounting and reporting practices
Fully disclosing all accounting irregularities
Limiting the use of special-purpose entities
2.    The accounting technique made infamous by Enron (and the main reason for its downfall) was its use of ____________________ to move debt off the balance sheet.   
Special-purpose entities
Revenue accounting
Expense accounting
Channel stuffing
3.    The “big five” accounting firm that destroyed documents to cover up their irregular accounting practices was   
Ernest & Young
Price-Waterhouse Coopers
Arthur Anderson
4.    Which of the following is NOT an inappropriate earnings management technique?   
Deliberately overstating one-time restructuring charges
Improper write-offs
Restating financial statements
Over-accruing charges for items such as sales returns
5.    ____________________ is NOT one of the leading causes for financial restatements.   
Revenue recognition
A switch in inventory valuation
Equity accounting
Reserves, accruals, and contingencies
6.    _________________________ is NOT one of the premises behind expensing options. .   
Keep the companies' profits and stock prices as high as possible.
Make the company's real costs and earnings more apparent
Clarify the company's accounting
Boost the investor's confidence
7.    FASB No. 123R requires that the cost resulting from all share-based payment transactions be recognized in the financial statements using the ___________________ as the measurement of cost.   
Grant-date fair value
Exercise date book value
Adoption date fair value
Measurement date intrinsic value
8.    FASB No. 123R (ASC 718-10-05) provides that fair value be measured based on a (an)   
Intrinsic value
Book value
Observable value
Market value
9.    FASB No. 123R eliminates FASB No. 123’s use of the _________________ for valuing equity awards that was permitted under FASB No. 123.   
Fair value method
Intrinsic value method
Current value method
Discount cash flow method
10.    FASB No. 123R   
Prefers use of any one of three particular methods as the valuation techniques of choice
Does not specify a preference for a particular valuation technique or model in estimating the fair value of employee share options and similar instruments
Requires an entity to use the expected cash flows method as defined by Concept Statement No. 7
Is an option valuation principle
11.    In anticipation of the FASB’s statement (FASB 123R), many companies had already started using other forms of compensation, such as   
Restricted stock
Dividend repurchase plan
12.    Which of the following statements is FALSE with restricted stock?   
Employee cannot sell stock for a specified period of time
Employee will receive compensation in cash, stock, or a combination of cash and stock at some future date
Employee may forfeit the shares if they leave employer
Awards may be linked to financial goals
13.    The grant date is the date at which   
Share options are exercisable
An employer and an employee reach a mutual understanding of the key terms and conditions of a share-based payment award
An employer receives a federal government grant for funding of a stock option program
Share options are to expire
14.    Which of the following is FALSE regarding restrictive stock?   
Employee cannot sell stock for a specified period of time
It creates much of an impact on earnings have replaced stock options
Employee may forfeit the shares if they leave employer
Awards may be linked to financial goals. Some firms grant key employees stock appreciation rights instead of stock options
15.    The new rules by NYSE for corporate governance would   
Give management stronger governance standards
Not require investor approval on any equity-based pay plans
Weaken the control management currently employs
Allow brokers to vote on equity-based pay plans without client approval
16.    The rule change that will prohibit research analysts from being supervised by the investment banking is:   
Promises of favorable research
Limitations on relationships and communication
Analyst compensation
Firm compensation
17.    The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) rule requires company insiders to report the details of their stock trades more quickly for all the following EXCEPT:   
High ranking executives
Outside staff attorneys
Major shareholders
18.    Which of the following statements is false? Detailed quarterly and annual statements have to be filed more quickly with SEC because it   
Reduce the risk that companies will issue rosy news releases about their earnings
Reduce creative accounting
Report details of their stock trades
Reveal problems important to investors
19.    Which of the following is NOT a proposal made by the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)?   
Corporations refrain from making accusations against research analysts in the media
Fund managers be prohibited from threatening to reduce their business with a brokerage to secure a more favorable rating
Corporations are allowed to make accusations against research analysts in the media.
News media should establish policies for disclosure of conflict of interest.
20.    Strong governance in compliance with the SOX Act will   
Give better tools to empower ethical behavior
Increase the control that management enjoyed at many companies prior to 2002
Strengthen the dependent affiliations of the board members with management and outsiders
Require that all equity-based pay plans be approved by the CEO and CFO.
21.    Which of the following is NOT one of the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?   
The penalties (i.e., prison time and fines) for corporate fraud were increased.
At least one audit committee member should be a financial expert.
The company's auditors assume responsibility for the financial statements.
The CEO and CFO must certify that the financial statements fairly present the company's operations and financial condition.
22.    Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act any public appearances by analysts on television or radio interviews must be   
Limited to topics of their firms stock position
Disclosed to better inform investors
Compensated by the TV or radio station
Approved by the Federal Communication Agency
23.    ______________________ is NOT an objective of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.   
Closing brokerages engaging in unethical practices
Quality and transparency of financial reporting
Independent audit
Accounting services for public companies
24.    The provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act apply to which of the following?   
All companies in the United States
Public companies only
Private companies only
Private and public partnerships only
25.    The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires   
All public companies to issue an internal control report
All public companies to define adequate internal controls
The auditor of public companies to design effective internal controls over financial reporting
Provides for all three of the above.
26.    Technologies that can assist with corporate governance and compliance include   
Business intelligence
Location based services
Financial and accounting software
Enterprise resource planning
27.    The most obvious solution to the corporate governance and compliance problem can be facilitated by   
Establishing financial constraints
Increase the number of trained analysts
Implementing proper technology, planning and monitoring
Establishing global corporations
28.    The main problem for companies to implement SOX is the documentation and   
Securing safe storage areas
Internal control and retention of documents
Managerial assessment
Real time disclosure
29.    Sarbanes-Oxley requires auditors of a public company to attest to management’s report on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Which of the following reports options is available to the auditor?   
The auditor must issue two separate reports
The auditor must issue a combined report
The auditor may issue either two separate reports or may issue a combined report
There is no guidance on what type of report to issue in this instance
30.    The Auditing Standard No. 5 highlights the concept of a _____________ deficiency in internal control over financial reporting   
31.    Which of the following statements is TRUE of a public company’s financial statements?   
Sarbanes-Oxley requires the CEO only to certify the financial statements
Sarbanes-Oxley requires the CFO only to certify the financial statements
Sarbanes-Oxley requires the CEO and CFO to certify the financial statements
Sarbanes-Oxley neither requires the CEO nor the CFO to certify the financial statements
32.    Which of the following is NOT true regarding good governance?   
To avoid conflicts of interest, a company's board of directors should include a substantial majority of independent directors--ôindependentö meaning that directors do not have financial or close personal ties to the company or its executives.
Companies should base executive compensation plans on pay for performance and do not have to provide full disclosure of these plans.
A company's audit, nominating, and compensation committees should consist entirely of independent directors.
A board should obtain shareholder approval for any actions that could significantly affect the relationship between the board and shareholders, including the adoption of anti-takeover measures such as ôpoison pills.ö
33.    Basic indicators used to measure corporate social responsibility according to Business in the Community do NOT include   
Workforce profiles by gender, race, disability, and age
Energy consumption, water usage, solid waste produced, co/greenhouse gas
Business intelligence, document and e-mail management, business process management
Customer complaints, advertising complaints, upheld cases of anti-competitive behavior.
34.    Corporate social responsibility that is positive includes   
Associating with suppliers and contractors that don't share your ethical values
Incurring immediate costs to the entity.
Working in isolation
Avoiding public interest groups
35.    Financial managers/management accountants are obligated to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct. Accordingly, the IMA Code of Ethics explicitly requires that they   
Obtain sufficient competent evidence when expressing an opinion
Do not condone violations by others
Comply with generally accepted auditing standards
Adhere to generally accepted accounting principles
36.    In accordance with Statements on Management Accounting Number 1C, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Practitioners of Management Accounting and Financial Management, a management accountant who fails to perform professional duties in accordance with relevant standards is acting contrary to which one of the following standards?   
37.    The IMA Code of Ethics includes a competence standard, which requires the financial manager/ management accountant to   
Report information, whether favorable or unfavorable
Develop his/her professional proficiency on a continual basis
Discuss ethical conflicts and possible courses of action with an unbiased counselor
Discuss, with subordinates, their responsibilities regarding the disclosure of information about the firm
38.    The IMA Code of Ethics requires a financial manager/management accountant to follow the established policies of the organization when faced with an ethical conflict. If these policies do not resolve the conflict, the financial manager/management accountant should   
Consult the board of directors immediately
Discuss the problem with the immediate superior if (s)he is involved in the conflict
Communicate the problem to authorities outside the organization
Contact the next higher managerial level if initial presentation to the immediate superior does not resolve the conflict
39.    Sarbanes-Oxley requires auditors of public companies to maintain audit working papers for what period of time?   
Not less than 7 years
Not less than 3 years
Not less than 5 years
No more than 5 years
40.    Quality control standard shall NOT include   
Monitoring professional ethics
Six sigma principles
Consultation on accounting and auditing questions
Supervision of audit work
41.    Foreign public accounting firms that furnish audit reports are   
Not subject to the SOX Act requirements
Subject to the jurisdiction of Federal and State courts without an additional provisions
Subject to the SOX Act the same as U.S. Public Accounting Firms with additional provisions
Subject to AICPA
42.    Which of the following statements is correct?   
Non-audit services that are not prohibited by Sarbanes-Oxley or the SEC rules must be approved by management of the client
Non-audit services that are not prohibited by Sarbanes-Oxley or the SEC rules must be approved by the company's audit committee
Non-audit services that are not prohibited by Sarbanes-Oxley or the SEC rules must be approved by staff of the PCAOB
Non-audit services that are not prohibited by Sarbanes-Oxley or the SEC rules must be approved by staff of the PCAOB and the SEC
43.    The CEO, controller, CFO, chief accounting officer or person in an equivalent position cannot have been employed by the company’s audit firm during   
The 4th month period preceding the audit
The 6th month period preceding the audit
The 9th month period preceding the audit
The 12th month period preceding the audit
44.    Public company audit committees are NOT responsible for   
Prohibiting the listing of any security of an issuer not in compliance with SOX
Certifying financial statements.
Providing for an opportunity to cure any defects
The appointment, compensation, and oversight of the work of any registered public accounting firm
45.    __________________ addresses “Corporate Responsibility for Financial Reports.”   
Section 906
Section 404
Section 302
Section 101
46.    Inside traders during pension fund blackouts prohibit all the following EXCEPT   
The executive officers from purchasing any security of the issuer
The director from purchasing or selling any security that is exempt
The executive officers to sell or trade any security of the issuer
Any profits resulting from sales in violation of Section 306 shall inure to and be recoverable by the issuerö
47.    Disclosures of transactions are limited to and required by   
Financial analysts of the company
Minority stockholders
Officers, principal stockholders, and directors
Corporate attorneys
48.    The SOX Act requires each annual report of an issuer to contain a(n)   
Market value report
Internal control report
Cost report
Conference call report
49.    Tampering with a record or otherwise impeding an official proceeding by altering, destroying, mutilating, or concealing records is subject to   
Up to 20 years in prison and a fine
Imprisonment of 15 years
Fine and imprisonment of 18 years
Up to 10 years in prison and a fine
50.    Brokers and dealers are NOT barred from association with an entity that engages in   
Insurance activities
Enrolled agents
Banking and savings association activities
Credit union activities
51.    The Comptroller General of the United States is NOT empowered to conduct studies to   
Determine solutions to increase competition and the number of firms capable of providing audit services
Determine the problems that have resulted in limiting competition among public accounting firms
Submit a report to the SEC
Determine to what extent federal or state regulations encourages competition among public accounting firms
52.    Criminal penalties have been added by amendment for all the following EXCEPT   
Destruction of corporate audit records
Diminish or relieve any person of their duty or obligation imposed by federal or state law
Alteration or mutilation of documents or records
Falsifying or concealing any document or record with intent to impede and obstruct an investigation
53.    Offenses relating to the obstruction of justice do NOT apply to   
Destroying or altering physical evidence
Number of victims adversely involved is less than 10
Abuse of a position of trust
Abuse of special skills
54.    An employee discharged for whistle blowing is entitled to compensation damages. This does NOT include   
Reinstatement with the same seniority status
Punitive and defamation damages
Backup pay with interest
Compensation for litigation, attorney fees, and expert witness fees
55.    Criminal penalties for mail and wire fraud have been increased by amendment from five (5) years to   
20 years
10 years
15 years
25 years