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Course # 171014
Financial Consultant: Commercial, SBA, RE & VC
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The Professional Financial Consultant: Commercial,
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2009, 205 pages

20 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - The Professional Loan Broker

1.    Who does not use a Loan Broker’s service?   2
Mortgage lenders.
Investment bankers.
Private lenders.
Insurance investment funds.
2.    What type of loans cannot be classified as specialization?   3
Receivable financing.
Conforming loans.
Second mortgages.
Signature loans.
3.    Why does a broker request information about the client’s present negative financing?   3
To warn the client.
To review his/her current needs.
To cause him to admit that his efforts to secure a loan are unsuccessful.
To help him refinance.
4.    _____________________ does not determine the fee charged for a loan?   7
Size of the loan.
Purpose of the loan.
The services required of the broker.

Chapter 2 - Loan Packaging

5.    What is not a typical loan-packaging Service?   9
Preparing business income and expense statements.
Preparing a tax return.
Preparing personal budget.
Preparing loan applications.
6.    What is not a component of the five C’s?   10
7.    Secured debt is considered to be?   12
Commercial services.
Taxable revenues.
Techniques of using collateral.
Secondary sources of payment.
8.    Commercial finance can be divided into two main categories   12
Stability and credit history.
Unsecured or secured.
Overdrafts and notes payable.
Discount loan and discount rate.
9.    Alternative methods to traditional bank financing are   14
Factoring and commercial finance.
Government loans.
Letters of credit.
Venture capital.
10.    What is not a basic factoring plan?   14
Import factoring
Commercial factoring
Export factoring
Conventional or standard factoring
11.    Factoring frees client management from   14
Costly credit and collection activities.
Foreclosure activities.
Fiduciary relationships.
12.    Equipment financing is composed of two categories   19
Purchase of used equipment and capital depreciation.
Refinancing of building and existing equipment.
Purchase of new equipment and refinancing of existing equipment.
Purchase of capital goods and refinancing inventory on hand.
13.    _________________ is not a leasing language   22
Option clause.
Fixed rate.
14.    Most equipment leases can be described as   27
Primary and secondary.
Full pay-out and partial pay-out.
Negotiable or non-negotiable.
Fixed rates or capitalized costs.
15.    Leasing advantages do not include   29
Hedge against inflation.
Leaves clients credit lines open for investment.
Frees working capital.
Offers a lesser tax write-off.
16.    A sale-leaseback is a financial transaction which provides a borrower with immediate cash and with the no tax-deductible benefits.   30
17.    Sources of business capital do not include   31
Thrift associations.
Federal mints.
Personal savings.
18.    Venture capitalists and individual investors typically will finance a significant portion of your capital needs, but in return they require around 10% annual return on their investment.   42
19.    When dealing with venture capital (VC) firms, you must keep in mind the following suggestion(s) except   42
Make sure to read the fine print.
Yield part of ownership.
Watch for delay maneuvers (they may be waiting for your financial position to weaken further).
Guard your trade secrets and other proprietary information zealously.

Chapter 3 - Commercial Finance

20.    For borrowing money, lenders look for secu­rity in your assets and cash flow regardless of your character.   43
21.    Service Corps of Retired Executives is a commercial or­ganization of business mentors and counselors (www.score.org).   44
22.    The Internet can help you simplify the first step in your search for equity or venture capital by getting your business plan in front of potential investors.   45
23.    ______________________ is an example of personal property.   48
A growing tree.
A cutdown tree.
Boards nailed to the wall.
Trees shrubs or fences.
24.    Underwriting a loan application is an objective analysis of evaluating the degree of risk inherent in a loan.   52
25.    _________________________ is normally not included in the loan verification process   52
Age of applicant.
School class standing.
Secondary income.
Recent school graduate.
26.    The federal law requires lenders to treat all loan applicants equally. The law is   53
Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Fair Credit Billings Act.
Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Truth-in-Lending Act.
27.    As opposed to conventional loans, FHA/VA loans normally have   53
Lower interest rate.
Higher down payment.
No assumability.
Prepayment penalty
28.    Lender/Agencies include all but   53
29.    Which of the following is not considered a major secondary market?   55
Federal National Mortgage Association.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association.
Government National Mortgage Association.
30.    Lenders normally offer their best terms for   57
Single-family detached dwellings less than 10 years old.
Rental units fully occupied.
Homes older then 25 years old.
Add-on rooms to existing buildings.

Chapter 4 - Factoring

31.    ______________________ is not an objective of the HUD-FHA.   59
Upgrade housing standards.
Promote loans in distressed areas.
Promote wider home ownership.
Provide continuing and sound methods of financing home mortgages.
32.    A FICO (an acronym for Fair, Isaac & Company), or credit score is a computer-generated numerical grade that predicts a lender’s risk in doing business with a borrower. This is used exclusive for mortgage loans.   60
33.    Which one of the following is not a factor in determining FICO scores?   61
Payment history.
Credit history.
Negative information.
34.    Lenders take a greater risk with special use property. But they do not insist on   64
Higher interest rates.
Personal or corporate guarantees.
Good location.
Pre-leasing requirements.
35.    Exhibits to be furnished for an apartment loan application do not require   70
Current credit reports/financial statements.
Architectural designs.
Maps and aerial photos.
Detailed descriptions of project.
36.    The term lenders use to describe the relative amount of money they will loan on a given piece of property is the   81
Price-earnings ratio.
Times interest earned.
Loan-to-value ratio.
Gross rent multiplier.
37.    For one seeking financing on construction, the best possible institutional source of financing would be   98
Savings and loan association.
Insurance companies.
Both A and B.
Neither A nor B.
38.    The most likely permanent construction loan source for office building would be   98
Mutual savings bank.
Savings and loan association.
Insurance company.
Commercial bank.
39.    ________________ is not a basic type of financing.   98
Land development deals.
Construction loans with permanent commitments.
Construction loans without permanent commitments.
Feasibility, location deals.
40.    A large residential tract builder seeking construction funds most likely would seek financing from   109
Federally chartered savings and loan.
State-chartered savings and loan.
Insurance company.
Commercial bank.
41.    Regulating the loan policies of national banks is the   116
Federal Housing Administration.
Federal Reserve Board.
Controller of the Currency.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board.

Chapter 5 - Equipment Leasing

42.    Usury occurs when the lender   117
Charges less than the maximum legal rate of interest.
Collects more than the maximum legal rate of interest.
Loans more than 95% of the appraised value of the property.
Charges the state's legal limit.
43.    The annual percentage rate (APR) is the annual cost of credit and is   118
A rate that includes any adjustments for service charges and discount rates.
The same as the contract rate in a note.
An estimate of the nominal interest rate on the mortgage.
The same as the debt service.
44.    Which of the following must be disclosed as a finance charge under Regulation Z?   118
Title examination fees.
Appraisal fees.
Discount points.
Survey fees.
45.    Which of the following is commonly referred to as Regulation B?   119
Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Fair Credit Billings Act.
Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Truth-in-Lending Act.
46.    With respect to credit reports, an applicant may   119
Not correct errors on them.
Transfer their report from one lender to another.
Receive the credit information on file if denied for a loan.
Obtain their own report and give it to the lender.
47.    In order to prevent the practice of redlining and divestment in central city areas, Congress passed the ________________.   121
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Community Reinvestment Act..
National Flood Insurance Program
Community Divestment Act.
48.    The Community Reinvestment Act Statement must contain   121
The names of all loan officers.
Total lending policy of the institution.
Definition of the lender's community in which its lending activities take place.
Reasons for not properly serving the credit needs of the community.
49.    The largest source of funds for home loans comes from   122
Savings and loan associations.
Private lenders.
Commercial banks.
Life insurance companies.
50.    Mortgage bankers may be involved in the following activities except   125
Writing insurance policies.
Loan origination.
Bring together the user of capital (borrower or mortgagee).
Loan servicing.
51.    A loan for $645,500 would be considered a   128
Grande loan.
Jumbo loan.
Super loan.
Ineligible loan.
52.    Funds to finance Freddie Mac (FHLMAC) operations and mortgage purchase programs come from   128
Participation certificates.
Convertible subordinated debentures.
Loans from u.s. treasury.
Both A and B.
53.    Freddie Mac purchase loans from   128
Loan brokers.
Real estate brokers.
Approved seller/servicers.
Investment bankers.
54.    A firm that specializes in the details of loan origination is known as what?   124
A mortgage banker.
A mortgage broker.
A portfolio lender.
A commercial broker.
55.    GNMA receives its funds from   128
Federal National Mortgage Association.
Freddie Mac.
U.S. Treasury and mortgage operations.
Residential Funding Corporation.
56.    Private mortgage insurance (PMI) typically needs to be carried   131
If the loan amount is more than 80%.
If the loan-to-value ratio is more than 70%.
If the loan-to-value ratio is more than 95%.
If the loan-to-value ratio is less than 80%.
57.    Ordinarily the best source for obtaining construction financing is the   131
Private lender.
Life insurance company.
Commercial bank.
Savings and loan associations.
58.    The role of the FHA is to   131
Lend money.
Insure a lender.
Insure a borrower.
Establish loan standards.
59.    The money in a VA loan comes from   132
An approved lending institution.
Federal government.
Department of Defense.
60.    In order to qualify for VA entitlement, a veteran needs to apply for   132
A certificate of eligibility.
A Veteran status.
Junior financing.
A certificate of fair value.
61.    Private mortgage insurance claims are paid by   131
Acquisition of the loan from the lender.
Paying the amount of insurance coverage to the lender.
Both B and C.
62.    "Balloon payment" is a term commonly associated with   130
Junior loans.
Most institutional loans.
Negotiable instruments.
Government-backed loans.
63.    Standard home loans that are not insured or guaranteed by an agency of the U.S. government are referred to as what?   131
FHA loans.
VA loans.
Conventional mortgage loans.
Home equity loans.
64.    A wraparound mortgage   135
May be a first lien.
Can be only a junior lien.
Is always negotiated at a higher rate than senior indebtedness.
Always requires the maker to make payments on senior debt.
65.    If the buyer of a home wanted to include in the terms of a mortgage the financing of such items as a stove, refrigerator and air-conditioning, the mortgage used would be a (an)   135
Open mortgage.
Wrap-around mortgage.
Package mortgage.
Blanket mortgage.
66.    Which of the following statements is false about a participation mortgage?   139
When more than one mortgagee lends on a real estate project, such as with a large commercial project.
This financing technique is aimed at those people who only plan to live in a house for a short period of time.
It involves more than one borrower being responsible for a mortgage, such as with a cooperative apartment.
It represents an agreement between a mortgagee and a mortgagor which provides for the lender having a certain percentage ownership in the project once the lender makes the loan.
67.    Under ______________ the interest rate charged by the lender can vary according to some reference index not controlled by the lender, such as the interest rate on 1-year United States T-bills or the 11th District Cost of funds Index.   138
Rollover mortgages
Flexible payment mortgages.
Variable rate mortgages.
Graduated payment mortgages.
68.    A type of mortgage where a buyer pays a seller monthly and the seller pays the lender is.   135
A buydown.
A wraparound mortgage.
A balloon payment.
69.    A note where payments are adjusted over time is most likely to be   141
A standard mortgage instrument.
An adjustable mortgage instrument.
A fixed rate mortgage.
A jumbo mortgage.
70.    In reverse mortgage, the homeowner has the option to receive   138
Monthly payments.
A lump sum payout.
A line of credit.
Any combination of the above.
71.    Which of the following is not a potential type of index interest rate used in an adjustable rate mortgage?   138
Cost of Living indexes.
5-year U.S. Treasury rate.
11th District cost of funds index.
LIBOR rate.
72.    Under __________________, the homeowner has the option to receive monthly payments, a lump sum payout, a line of credit, or any combination.   137
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM)
Reverse Annuity Mortgages (RAM)
Flexible Loan Insurance Program (FLIP)
Graduated Payment Mortgages (GPM)
73.    Which of the following is an example of real assets?   159
Corporate stocks.
74.    A principal disadvantage of real estate is that it does not provide a hedge against   161
Interest rate risk.
Purchasing power risk.
Market risk.
75.    Using your credit to purchase an asset (such as property or stocks) of substantial appreciation is called   162
Unearned increment.
76.    Current income is derived from income property by   163
Rental payments.
Tax write-offs.
77.    The return on investment typically comes from two sources: __________ and current income.   163
Capital gains.
Selling price.
Purchase price.
78.    An advantage to buying a home to the person who is to occupy it as his or her personal dwelling is its   167
Relatively low maintenance.
Equity buildup.
Depreciation write-off.
79.    Which of the following is not an advantage of buying over renting?   167
Tax deductibility.
Tax savings.
80.    The home price should not exceed ___________________ your family’s annual gross income.   170
Times 2 ?.
35% of.
40% of.
50% of.
81.    Reasons for investing in real property do not include   174
Relatively low risk.
Income tax benefits.
Appreciation potential.
Inflation hedge.
82.    Depreciation taken as a deduction on annual income tax is a form of   174
Tax shelter.
Tax evasion.
Tax increment.
Tax rebates.
83.    Which of the following is a disadvantage of real estate investing?   175
Equity buildup.
Limited marketability.
Tax shield.
84.    Investment techniques that persons in high income brackets use for the purpose of reducing income tax liability through tax loss write-offs are known as   174
Tax assessments.
Tax evasion.
Tax shelters.
Tax impounds.
85.    The market value of property less all liens and charges against the property is referred to as   174
86.    Disadvantages of investing in real property do not include which of the following?   175
Limited marketability.
Management headache.
High transaction cost.
Tax shelters.
87.    The principle of maximizing the use of other people's money (OPM), providing a large percentage of return on a relatively small outlay is called   174
Cash flow.
88.    _______________ is not a type of real estate investment property:   175
Raw land.
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) .
Land to be developed.
Income property.
89.    Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) are characterized as   176
Equity trusts.
Mortgage trusts.
Any of the above.
90.    ____________________ is not an advantage of a REIT.   176
Tax benefits.
Pooling interests.
Less distribution of earnings.
91.    REITs differ from other real estate investments because   176
Their income is tax-exempt.
Their shares are publicly traded.
They only offer capital gains.
The investor is guaranteed income.
92.    The amount to be deducted from potential gross income to allow for vacancies should be   178
5% of potential gross income.
10% if the building is more than 10 year old.
Will range between 0 and 10%.
Will vary with each property.
93.    Specialists in marketing of income properties generally apply which of the following approaches to valuation?   179
Market comparison.
Replacement cost.
Capitalization of net income.
Reproduction cost
94.    If the capitalization rate is 9 percent and the net operating income is $150,000.00, the indicated value would be   180
95.    Leverage is best illustrated by which of the following?   180
Use of borrowed money to purchase real property.
Buying as much acreage as possible for cash.
Buying a parcel of raw land with a large down payment.
Leasing rather than purchasing.
96.    As the degree of risk increases, the income generated by a piece of property will be capitalized at a   180
Higher rate which will produce a higher value.
Higher rate which will produce a lower value.
Lower rate which will produce a higher value.
Lower rate which will produce a lower value.
97.    A previously appraised building with a net income of $5,000 was valued at $50,000. What is the current estimate of value if the capitalization rate has increased by one percentage point?   180
98.    Which of the following will result in a capitalization rate of 20%?   180
Potential gross income $50,000; value $250,000.
Effective gross income $50,000; value $250,000.
Net income $50,000; value $250,000.
Cash flow $50,000; value $250,000.
99.    Certain terms used in real estate investments have applications similar to those used in security analysis. For example, the price-earnings (P/E) ratio found in the analysis of stocks is equivalent to _____________ in real estate investment analysis.   180
Earnings on sales price.
Gross income (rent) multiplier.
Net spendable.
Cost recovery.
100.    The ____________________ is the interest rate which is charged business borrowers having the highest credit rating.   200
Fund rate.
Discount rate.
Prime rate.

Chapter 6 - Estates

Chapter 7 - Deeds

Chapter 8 - Apartment Loan Underwriting Guidelines

Chapter 9 - Shopping Centers

Chapter 10 - Real Estate Financing And Investment