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Course # 171009
Financial Essentials for NonProfit Managers
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Financial Essentials for NonProfit Managers
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2005, 286 pages

14 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 1 - What Every Nonprofit Manager Should Know About Accounting and Finance

1.    “Different costs for different purposes” is a central idea of management accounting and financial management, which allows for flexibility in meeting internal user needs. T F   22
2.    Funding options available to nonprofit organizations include pooled bond issue and private bond offerings. T F   15
3.    All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT   22
Costs may be indirect and variable.
Costs may be direct and variable.
Costs may not be indirect and fixed.
Costs may be direct and fixed.
4.    Sunk costs cannot be relevant to   23
Choosing from alternative actions.
Predicting costs.
Analyzing cost behavior.
Determining past or historical costs.
5.    Fixed costs that are never relevant to decisions include   23
Future costs.
Past costs.
Both of the above.
None of the above.

Chapter 2 - Accounting Basics for Nonprofits

6.    Expenses must be reported in which class of net assets?   27
Temporarily restricted.
Permanently restricted.
7.    Restricted grants should initially be recorded as   36
Deferred revenue.
Disclosure only.
Stockholders' equity.
8.    Contractual obligations are called   41
9.    Nonprofits can recognize unconditional pledges as assets when made even though the actual cash is still not received. T F   38
10.    Most larger NPOs use which basis of accounting?   32
Modified accrual.
11.    Revenue must be spent consistent with regulations, limitations, or restrictions. T F   33
12.    A statement of cash flows is to be presented in general-purpose external financial statements by which of the following?   35
Publicly held business enterprises only.
Privately held business enterprises only.
All business enterprises.
All business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations.
13.    According to SFAS 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made, what classification(s), if any, should be used by not-for-profit organizations to report receipts of contributions?   37
Neither Unrestricted Support nor Restricted Support
Restricted Support but not Unrestricted Support
Unrestricted Support but not Restricted Support
Both Unrestricted Support and Restricted Support
14.    Which of the following nongovernmental not-for-profit organizations must report information about expenses by natural classification?   34
Voluntary health and welfare organizations (VHWOs).
Private hospitals.
Colleges and universities.
Other not-for-profit organizations.

Chapter 3 - Cost-Volume-Revenue Analysis: Are We Breaking Even?

15.    Revenue minus variable costs is called   51
Opportunity revenue.
Gross margin.
Contribution margin.
Safety margin.
16.    Cost-volume-revenue (CVR) is used to analyze   48
The behavior of some costs and revenues as changes in units of service occur.
The behavior of total costs, total revenues, and surplus as changes in units of service occur.
A single revenue driver and multiple cost drivers in special case cvr.
Multiple revenue drivers and a single cost driver in special case cvr.
17.    Some nonprofit entities may have only fixed source of revenue, typically a government budget appropriation. In this case, the break-even formula becomes   58
(Fixed revenue - Fixed costs)/Unit variable cost,
(Fixed costs - Fixed revenue)/ Unit CM,
(Expected level Break even level)/Expected level,
Fixed costs/Unit CM,

Chapter 4 - Financial Analysis and Metrics: Avoiding Bankruptcy

18.    The average accounting age of equipment may be computed as   68
Accumulated depreciation divided by depreciation expense.
Depreciation expense divided by total assets.
Accumulated depreciation divided by total assets.
Depreciation expense divided by book value.
19.    Measures of performance (or metrics) for a college include number of courses and ratio of faculty to students. T F   72
20.    In analyzing the Statement of Activities for NPOs, determine:   70
Whether the NPO is self-sustaining and operating well.
If service efforts are being successful.
Whether management has discharged its stewardship responsibilities.
All of the above.

Chapter 5 - Forecasting: Revenues, Costs, and Cash Flows

21.    Cash flow forecasting can serve a number of goals, including   92
Avoidance of financial distress or bankruptcy.
Escape from costly mistakes such as ill-conceived ventures.
Aid in cash management and control.
All of the above.
22.    The table t value, based on a degree of freedom and a level of significance, is used   110
To set the prediction range -- upper and lower limits -- for the predicted value of the dependent variable.
As a cutoff value for the t-test.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
23.    In exponential smoothing, the optimal smoothing constant a may be picked by minimizing the   101
Mean squared error (MSE).
Standard deviation.
Coefficient of determination.
Moving average.
24.    Multiple regressions involve   110
One independent variable.
Two independent variables.
More than one independent variable.
More than one dependent variable.
25.    Which one of the following is a qualitative forecasting technique?   93
Simple regression.
Moving average.
Trend analysis.
Delphi method.
26.    The equation(s) required for applying the least-squares method could be expressed as   102
SUMy = na + bSUMx SUMy = na + bSUMx.
y = a + bx2.
SUMxy = aSUMx + bSUMx2.
SUMy = na + bSUMx. SUMxy = aSUMx + bSUMx2.

Chapter 6 - The Budgeting Process: Device for Planning and Control

27.    A childcare center can care for 50 children. The expected number of students is 70%. The center operates 48 weeks a year. It is open 40 hours a week. The hourly rate is $5. The budgeted gross revenue is   130
$4l0, 000.
28.    The journal entry for a purchase order is to   142
Debit expenditures.
Debit encumbrances.
Debit reserve for encumbrances.
Debit cash.
29.    Which type of budget relates the inputs of resources to the output of services?   123
Performance budget.
Line item budget.
Incremental budget.
Zero base budget.
30.    The line item budget lists the sources of revenue and categories of expenses (object accounts). T F   124
31.    Which type of budget starts fresh each year and all activities (new and old) must be justified?   125
Zero-base budget.
Performance budget.
Incremental budget.
Program budget.
32.    Which budget lists and describes planned capital acquisitions and improvements?   126
Zero base.

Chapter 7 - Zero-Base Budgeting and Program Budgeting

33.    Zero base budgeting requires managers to justify each budget line item. T F   147
34.    ZBB is a continual process. Each manager must justify his budget request in detail from a zero base. T F   148
35.    Programs may be considered either direct or support. T F   154
36.    Under program budgeting, a project should be broken down by major activity or task, and then further segregated into subactivities. T F   154

Chapter 8 - Cost Behavior, Cost Control, and Flexible Budgeting

37.    Determine the material quantity variance using actual production of 100 units of output, 3 pieces allowed per unit, actual price of $2 per piece, and standard price of $3 per piece. Assume the company used 240 pieces of material.   170
38.    The cost-volume formula would be expressed as   158
y = a + bSUMx.
y = ax + b.
y = ax.
y = a + bx.
39.    An understanding of cost behavior is helpful   158
For break even and cost volume revenue analysis.
For pricing of services and products.
Establishing bid prices on contracts and proposals.
All of the above.
40.    Marie Welfare Agency incurred a total cost of $8,600 to provide 40 units of service. Each unit of service required 5 direct labor hours to complete. What are the total fixed costs if the variable cost was $15 per direct labor-hour?   161
41.    Unfavorable labor efficiency variances may be explained by poor supervision, poor quality workers, poor quality of materials requiring more labor time, and employee unrest. T F   170

Chapter 9 - Enhancing Managerial and Department Performance

42.    The contribution approach is one method under which center concept?   178
43.    Output indicators or control surrogates of welfare and rehabilitation agencies include   179
Percent of successful treatment.
Better child care.
Rate of recidivism.
All of the above.
44.    Responsibility centers of nonprofit organizations can be viewed as either mission centers or service centers. T F   174
45.    Allocated general fixed costs   179
Can make a program appear to be financially viable when it may not be.
Are always incremental costs.
Are always relevant in decisions involving dropping of a program or project.
None of the above.

Chapter 10 - Obtaining Funds: Short-Term and Long-Term Financing

46.    The opportunity cost associated with failing to pay a vendor on terms of 2/10, net/30 is   184
47.    An NPO has received donations in 20X5 of $250,000 and in 20X4 of $280,000. The estimated amount of donation for 20X6 based on a simple average is.   187
48.    A telephone bill is an example of a   188
Fixed cost.
Variable cost.
Semi-variable cost.
Sunk cost.
49.    An NPO borrows $500,000 for one year at a 10% interest rate. There is a 5% compensating balance. The interest and compensating balance are deducted at the time of the loan to arrive at the loan proceeds. The effective interest rate is   198

Chapter 11 - Managing Working Capital and Investing Surplus Funds

50.    Short-term notes issued by the U.S government are called   224
Commercial paper.
Treasury bill.
51.    Factors to be considered in investment decisions for nonprofit financial managers are   221-222
Safety of principal.
Stability of income.
All of the above.
52.    Financial securities cover a broad range of investment instruments, excluding   222
Stocks, common and preferred.
Real estate.
53.    Which one of the following is a cash management model?   212-214
Baumol's model.
Miller Orr model.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
54.    The agency should not take advantage of a cash dis­count offered for early payment because failing to do so results in a low opportunity cost. T F   215
55.    With leveraged derivatives, when you win, you win big. But when you lose, you lose big. T F   228

Chapter 12 - Cost Management and Pricing Decisions

56.    Allocating the service center costs to the mission centers may be accomplished by one of the following procedures   231
The high-low method .
Step-down (two-stage) method .
Activity-based costing.
None of the above.
57.    Benefits from an ABC system are numerous from the standpoint of planning, control, and decision-making. They include   243
Improved product or service cost data.
Cost reduction by eliminating the activities that do not add value.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
58.    A proper cost driver for employee insurance would be   245
Square footage of space.
Pound of supplies.
Direct labor dollars.
Number of claims filed.
59.    In an effort to enhance product or service costing accuracy, activity-based costing (ABC) uses a larger number of cost drivers than the one or two volume-based cost drivers typical in a conventional system. T F   240
60.    Allocation of support department costs to the mission departments is necessary to   231
Control costs.
Determine prices for service rendered.
Maximize efficiency.
Measure use of plant capacity.
61.    The step-down method of support department cost allocation often begins with allocation of the costs of the support department that   233
Provides the greatest percentage of its support to the mission departments.
Provides the greatest percentage of its support to other support departments.
Provides the greatest total output of support.
Has the highest total costs among the support departments.

Chapter 13 - Analysis for Short-Term and capital expenditure decisions and Financial Modeling

62.    An initial investment of $20,000 generates annual benefits of $8,000. The payback period is   254
63.    The make or buy decision must be investigated, along with the broader perspective of considering how best to utilize available facilities. The alternatives are   248
Leaving facilities idle.
Outsourcing and renting out idle facilities .
Outsourcing and using idle facilities for other services.
All of the above.
64.    An agency can either purchase a mini-computer for $61,000 or lease it at an annual $13,000 payment and own it after five years. The anticipated discount rate will be 8 percent. The present value of $13,000 a year for five years at 8% is   253
None of the above.
65.    Applications and uses of financial models include   263
Risk analysis.
ôWhat-ifö analysis.
Both of the above.
None of the above.
66.    In a make or buy decision   248
Only the variable costs are relevant.
Both the variable costs and the fixed costs which will continue regardless of the decision are relevant.
Both the variable costs and the fixed costs which are avoidable are relevant.
None of the above.
67.    One of the popular financial modeling software used by hospitals is HOFPLAN. T F   268
68.    The present worth of future sums of money is    253
Future value.
Present value.
Past value.
Limited value.
69.    A method of evaluating investment projects does not include    255
Payback period.
External index.
Internal rate of return (IRR).
Net present value (NPV).
70.    An annuity is a series of payments of a fixed amount for    254
A specified number of periods.
For one-time period.
For an indeterminable period.
For an unspecified number of periods.