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Course # 171001
Managing and Improving Cash Flow
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Managing and Improving Cash Flow
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2014, 118 pages

10 CPE Credit Hours

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Chapter 0 - Course Material

1.    Cash flow is synonymous with   
The movement of money into or out of a business.
Accounting profits
Net income
2.    Factors that contribute to the crests and troughs of cash flow include all EXCEPT:   
Non regular disbursement items (equipment purchases)
Seasonal sales
Variations in biweekly payments
Mortgage payments
3.    Way(s) to cut costs do NOT include:   
Reduce wages
Reduce investment outlays
Reduce travel costs
Reduce entertainment costs
4.    Objectives of cash management do NOT include:   
Reduce the need to borrow
Operate with cash balance as high as possible
Minimize idle cash balances
Maximize the returns on surplus funds
5.    Which of the following is NOT a key factor that determines how much cash you should hold?   
Current management policy
Rate of return
Risk levels, economic conditions
6.    One way to guard against accumulating excessive balances is to establish   
A line of credit
Zero-balance accounts
Reduce the number of accounts
Consolidate the accounts
7.    A small business moves on:   
Contribution margin
8.    If you are to manage cash flows you need to know the difference between accounting profits and:   
Fixed assets
Economic profits
9.    You can compute and analyze liquidity by:   
Current ratio
Return on investment
Inventory turnover
Earnings per share
10.    A high cash ratio of sales to cash (called cash turnover) may reveal:   
Excess cash
High return earned
Cash shortage
11.    Which of the following is NOT likely an option with surplus (extra) cash?   
Pay down debt
Invest in information technology
Buy back own shares
Pay dividends
12.    Cash flow cycles depend on the following factors EXCEPT for:   
Vendor credit policy
New advertising
Customer credit terms
Time to receive merchandise from suppliers
13.    The amount of cash balance held does NOT depend on:   
The state of the economy
Rate of return that can be earned from marketable securities
Uncertainty associated with cash flow
Speculative demand for securities
14.    Future value is best described as   
The sum of receipts discounted to time zero.
The sum of payments discounted to time zero.
The value of a payment or receipts at a future time adjusted for any compounding effect.
A discounted amount of the future sum.
15.    _____________ is NOT a document of cash transactions:   
Paid invoices
Inventory in stock
Cancelled checks
Deposit slips
16.    A financial statement includes all of the following items: operating activities, financial activities and investing activities. What financial statement is this?   
Statement of cash flows
Balance sheet
Income statement
Statement of retained earnings
17.    Which of the following is NOT part of the typical cash budget?   
Contingency section
Receipts section
Disbursement section
Cash surplus or deficit section
18.    Examples of cash expenses do NOT include:   
Salaries paid
Rent paid
Postage paid
19.    Embezzlement may NOT be indicated by:   
Collection delays
Delays in depositing money at the bank
Unexplained shortages of merchandise
Bank reconciliation
20.    To ensure the accuracy of the cash count the audit procedures include:   
Inventory investigation
Preparation of a monthly bank reconciliation
Credit verification
Asset verification
21.    _______________________ is NOT a benefit of short-term cash forecast:   
Basis for a long-term forecast
Major disposal of assets
Schedule for loan repayments
Cash discounts for early payment to suppliers
22.    Cash forecasting is valuable in   
Allocating the sales force
Identifying areas of financial strength or deficiency
Deciding on dividend payments
Determining earnings
23.    _________________ is NOT an example of certain cash flows:   
Cash sales
Interest receipts
24.    Which one of the following is NOT a cash management program?   
Up your cash flow
Cash Pass
25.    A well-managed accounts payable system should include all EXCEPT:   
Evaluate cash flow
Institute a single accounts payable system
Set goals
Establish payment priorities
26.    Sound management of accounts payable includes the following principles EXCEPT for:   
Accelerate cash collections
Protect credit rating
27.    Which one of the following is NOT a typical symptom for accounts payable problems:   
Aged payables
Early payment of taxes
Hassles from creditors
Interest penalties
28.    When negotiating with vendors for more favorable terms you should never:   
Check their honesty and reliability
Ask for their trade secrets
Ask for references from other customers
Ask customers if the quality of merchandise is satisfactory
29.    _______________ is NOT one of cash collection strategies:   
Use of return envelopes
Use of merchant credit cards
Invoicing delays
Use of lockbox receivables
30.    A typical list of cash outlays for leased fixed assets does NOT include:   
Lease payments
Repairs and maintenance
31.    Tactics for delaying payments do NOT include:   
Stagger payments
Decentralize the payables' operation
Mail payments late in the day or on Friday
Mail from post offices with limited service
32.    __________ is NOT an advantage of buying assets (or incurring expenses) with debts:   
Deflationary protection
Subject to high interest rates
33.    Danger signs of possible collection problems include all EXCEPT:   
Legal action for collection against customer by other suppliers
Customer adds more payment options
Customer fails to provide requested financial information
Customer frequently changes suppliers
34.    __________________ is NOT a source of credit information:   
Credit bureaus
Trade association
Credit reports
35.    The bank balance is adjusted for items reflected on your records that are not on the bank statement. They include:   
Outstanding checks
Bank charges
Errors on the books
36.    ____________________ is NOT a type of delay in processing checks:   
Mail float
Disbursement float
Processing float
Deposit collection float
37.    Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) can be linked electronically via communication networks EXCEPT for:   
Computer terminals
Personal computers
38.    A retail lockbox offers the following advantages EXCEPT for:   
Can be costly to install
Reduced float
Transfers workload from your business to the bank
Reduces expenses
39.    Checks used to transfer money between bank accounts are called:   
Certified checks (CC)
Letters of credit (LC)
Depository transfer checks (DTC)
Automatic teller machines (UTM)
40.    A lock-box system   
Reduces the need for compensating balances.
Accelerates the inflow of funds.
Provides security for late night deposits.
Reduces the risk of having checks lost in the mail.
41.    To receive cash sooner do NOT use the following:   
Automatic deposits to your bank account
File taxes early for refunds
File your insurance claim at the end of the year
Receive child support rather than alimony
42.    To select a particular way of financing you should NOT consider:   
Risk and restrictions
43.    Examples of liquid securities include all EXCEPT:   
US treasury bills
Real estate
US treasury notes and bonds
Short-term commercial paper
44.    Which one of the following provides the best source of financing for a firm?   
Trade credit (accounts payable).
Bank loans.
Accounts receivable.
45.    Factoring of accounts receivable is:   
Discounting accounts receivables with recourse
Restricting the rate of return on accounts receivable
Outright sale of accounts receivable without recourse
Partial sale of accounts receivable with recourse
46.    The 5 C’s of credit do NOT include:   
Collateral and capital
47.    Criteria lenders generally use include all EXCEPT:   
Healthy cash flow
Unsecured loans
Operational influences
Lending against inventory and receivables
48.    To secure a bank loan you should:   
Enlarge your balance sheet
Set the distance between you and the crowd
Cook your earnings
Disclose all your liquidity problems
49.    Zero balance accounts (ZBAs) are special checking accounts with the following benefit:   
Extending a disbursement float
Overdraft potential
Bank charge for the service
Excessive balance in multiple accounts
50.    ____________________ is a certified cash/treasury manager:   